The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

I have a question for you guys... How many of you guys are a member of the Rhode Island Red Club?


Guys and Gals, you mean
I am not---what are the advantages of said membership? I have thought about joining breed clubs, but having multiple breeds multiplies the time I spend on the birds--already on the Orloff club on Facebook (don't have time for that); would have to also join the Plymouth Rock Club and the Marans Club--I can barely keep up with my BYC forums. I wish I had more hours in a day AND the energy I had when I was younger.
I know this is a RIR thread and I do have some very nice Underwood RC Reds but I also have some, I think are pretty nice Rhode Island Whites. So p,lease indulge me a few pictures of some of them from my late February hatch. As usual they posed so well for me...NOT!!!



Pullet-What I am seeing is the one on the left is that she has such a great open tail. Most of them I have seen are very tight and pinched.


Very lovely birds...
Oh please don't misunderstand me bluebirdnanny my intent was not to pick on NYRed in anyway at all and do apologize in anyway if it looked like that as I spent 23 years in the Army Infantry with over 10 years overseas during that time and was forced retired Medically ,,, it is just some words are not normally used by civilians so I was just asking how much time she spent in the military but then again there are a few other government jobs where particular words or statements are used that would not be every day words or statements by the every day civilian .......
I have a question for you guys... How many of you guys are a member of the Rhode Island Red Club?

I am and like Fred said, I enjoy the news letter. I also enjoyed seeing the red boy that was on the little pamphlet that came with this years membership card. Wonder who owns that boy. lol
I guess it is just everyone's own preference.
Oh please don't misunderstand me bluebirdnanny my intent was not to pick on NYRed in anyway at all and do apologize in anyway if it looked like that as I spent 23 years in the Army Infantry with over 10 years overseas during that time and was forced retired Medically ,,, it is just some words are not normally used by civilians so I was just asking how much time she spent in the military but then again there are a few other government jobs where particular words or statements are used that would not be every day words or statements by the every day civilian .......

Not necessarily government jobs. I spent 30 some years working in microbiology labs in hospitals and those words sound really familiar to me.
Finally got around to downloading the few photos I took at the Pima County Fair. Promised I would post photos of my RIR cockerel that won Reserve American. Hard to take good shots in those cages, but here he is. He is a Reese cockerel that I hatched last spring. Gene Helton judged.

Here is James Smith's White Rock pullet that won Champion American: Not the best photo of her.


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