The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

And here is Carl....
Carl and Fred were named after my great grandfather Carl Frederick Haffey who raised RC in the early 1900's.

They are all so beautiful...
Nice little tractor RedRidge! What a way to keep the preservation going... like taking your kid to work day and then setting them up with all the tools to succeed! And it will be more endearing an endeavor in future years. I would have been proud to have stock still going here from my Grandmothers stock of Reds! She will never forget you as she daily looks over her beauties! :):)
My current RC are Underwood (should have mentioned that when I posted the pictures - i tend to forget we don't all know each other)... Wish my grandfather's line was still in tact, but they got pieced out in the 1950s when he passed away.
Any one have the 2014 almanac or know the "best" days to set in 2014? I had been consulting Jim's page for 2013. I did not always go by it but if a day was close I would try to set on it just in case there was merit to the almanac's choices.
I like this picture of the RIR but also want to mention the background coop wall. That looks like great protection from the Predators. Here in California, we have snakes, and I would bet this would be great to keep them out. Great idea to put a solid border of metal around the bottom of the coop wall.
I like this picture of the RIR but also want to mention the background coop wall. That looks like great protection from the Predators. Here in California, we have snakes, and I would bet this would be great to keep them out. Great idea to put a solid border of metal around the bottom of the coop wall.
Thanks ! I have that all the way around my pens. It is also buried about 6 inches in the ground. Some places deeper to keep it level. It does help I think with a lot of differnt predator including snakes. If you notice I also have 2x4 wire with chicken wire on outside also. Doubled wire for extra protection!
One of my Reese line RIR cockerels won Reserve American at the Safford, Arizona show this past Saturday! I was shocked, I did not expect to win anything with them, I basically took them (5 of them) for culling help
. There were about 26 large fowl American Class birds there (14 of them mine...), 80-90 large fowl chickens total, and a ton of bantams, quite a few ducks, a few geese and I had the only 2 turkeys there. It was a nice show, well run by James Smith (who did not enter his White Rocks for some reason this time, otherwise forget my RIRs winning anything).
One of my Reese line RIR cockerels won Reserve American at the Safford, Arizona show this past Saturday! I was shocked, I did not expect to win anything with them, I basically took them (5 of them) for culling help
. There were about 26 large fowl American Class birds there (14 of them mine...), 80-90 large fowl chickens total, and a ton of bantams, quite a few ducks, a few geese and I had the only 2 turkeys there. It was a nice show, well run by James Smith (who did not enter his White Rocks for some reason this time, otherwise forget my RIRs winning anything).


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