The Hidden Door-A Role Play (AKA The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop II)

Hana lifted her a little from staring at the forest floor, careful of her steps unlike the girl who nearly tripped over the root. She opened her palm, presenting the hand carved fox. It was a simple design, almost completely cylindrical except for the apparent fox profile and ears on the very top. She had smoothed it as much as she could to avoid a rough texture.
“Its a kitsune figure” she spoke softly.
“Oh, cool,” Cam said. It was hard to make out in the light, but it was obviously handmade. “That’s really nice. Where’d you get it? And uh...” she felt really dumb asking the intimidating girl such a stupid question, “What’s a kitsune?”
“Oh, cool,” Cam said. It was hard to make out in the light, but it was obviously handmade. “That’s really nice. Where’d you get it? And uh...” she felt really dumb asking the intimidating girl such a stupid question, “What’s a kitsune?”
“I carved it just now” Hana answered, not bothered by the young girls question, though it was hard to tell in the way she spoke. She closed her hand and brought it up to her mask, resting a finger on her mask and tapping it lightly so the girl could hear the hard plastic and signifying the mask was a kitsune. “Japanese fox spirit..”
“That’s not good... When I found you guys, I was hiding from the we-sa, Something broke a stick, and I got a bad feeling, so I started to run. I felt something grab me, and I knew what they were thinking. In English, they were saying, ‘Just get the thing already. She’s onto us.’ And then they cursed a few times. One of them grabbed my face, but I somehow got free and ran.” She was a little breathless by the end of the story. She turned her face slightly to show the mark from where she had been grabbed. There were scratches in the shape of holes laying in a row of four. “It was hard for you to see in the dark.”
(Kipp can see better at night than in the day)

"It was none of my business so i didnt ask." He said inspecting the injuries to her face. "There was more than one? I thought there was only one. If there's more, do you think they'd attack a group of people?" Kipp's throat was getting sore, he rarely spoke this much but since she'd hear his thoughts any he'd started voicing almost every thing that crossed his mind. "They waited unil i was alone with Haddie. Do you think they knew she was a shifter and came after us anyway?" Kipp nervously looked toward the door. "Do you think she even made it back last night?" He asked in as whisper. They should never have let her go alone.
Ciro sadly listened to her panic, not interjecting until she'd said everything she had to. "That's our whole world, no?" Her distress was making it very hard for him to resist the desire to offer a reassuring hand or even an entire embrace. But he knew from experience that could be disastrous and kept his hands rhythmically running over the wolf's fur.
But he couldn't give her a chance to spiral any further down fear's debilitating chasm.
"I want you to tell me something. Tell me... what you were doing when your portal appeared. What your day had been like. Who you'd met."
Whenever he encountered someone with a fragile composure, he'd found that simply asking for a story from their life would never fail to placate. He made sure to listen to anyone who had an unsung song fluttering beneath a hurting heart- the young and old, from his little sisters to an elderly wanderer.
Because Ciro knew that timetraveling was, in fact, very real. No time machines or reality rifts required. All you needed was an open ear.
Storytelling was the purest and realest form of timetraveling. Telling not only regaled a willing audience, but it most certainly returned the teller to that better time.
Aella had stayed quiet when he asked his question, her focus on the forest. On the throaty croaks and breathy hisses, guttural snarls and high-pitched chirps. The twigs that shattered beneath the weight of whatever was stalking them. Or maybe it was nothing at all. Maybe it was merely the depths of her mind, haunting her with warnings in the form of hallucinations, a foretelling of what was to come, what demise they would meet.
However, she didn't have time to dwell on such realizations, for Ciro's voice drew her from the dangerous waters of fear, pulling her to the surface forcefully. She dared to open her eyes, tilting her head in his direction, the flames giving her just enough light to see him. She looked at him, fear still spiraling inside her chest, searching for just the perfect spot to sink it's hooked claws and drag her back beneath the surface.
"I fell into it." She blurted out, desperate to say something, anything to chase away the suffocating shadows. "I remember falling into the portal. I was...running. Being the cops. I tried to steal food..." She bit her lips guiltily. "Again." She paused for a few beats before speaking again. "I was running on a roof top. It was snowing really hard, I couldn't even see. But there's something so liberating about just blindly running." She leaned back against the tree, pressing hard onto it even when the harsh bark dug into her back. She still looked at him however, the flames growing brighter. No one had ever spoken to her when she was like this. No one ever helped her when her mind fell into two, unable to distinguish reality from the voices.
Not that she could say the voices were fake. That the noises were fake. They sounded so real, so lucid that they couldn't be fake. But calmness had chased them away. Her gaze fell, the fingers off her free hand dancing over the flames, teasing them and casting shadows. "I don't meet many people. I know plenty, know about them. But they don't know about me. It's lonely. Always has been." She tilted her head back against the tree, looking at Ciro again. A small smile practically forced it's way into view. "But not it's not so lonely..."
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Juliana watched as the group slowly file away. Kyle completely had completely ignored her question. Though he'd answered it the night before, with something along the lines of 'your funeral if you dont'. She didnt know what she wanted to do. That fire girl wasnt here anymore. And neither were any of the others she'd been yelling at earlier. She glanced back to the tree where Bane slept.(@Table4Six )

"Hey! Hey Bane, wake up! We should stay with them they're probably our best chance to get back home."
(Kipp can see better at night than in the day)

"It was none of my business so i didnt ask." He said inspecting the injuries to her face. "There was more than one? I thought there was only one. If there's more, do you think they'd attack a group of people?" Kipp's throat was getting sore, he rarely spoke this much but since she'd hear his thoughts any he'd started voicing almost every thing that crossed his mind. "They waited unil i was alone with Haddie. Do you think they knew she was a shifter and came after us anyway?" Kipp nervously looked toward the door. "Do you think she even made it back last night?" He asked in as whisper. They should never have let her go alone.
“I don’t know if they’d attack a group. Remember what I told you about you and your friends being descended from Boreleans?” Ashira asked, speaking slowly and carefully. “I think we-sa know it. I think that’s why you’re here. Something happened to open up the portals. My guess is that they have something to do with it. And as for Haddie,” she went on, her voice growing firm, “she’s alive. I can feel it. I know her mind relatively well, so I stayed in tune to her thoughts. I can’t tell or even guess what she’s thinking, but I know she’s thinking something. If she’s capable of thought, she’s alive.”
“I don’t know if they’d attack a group. Remember what I told you about you and your friends being descended from Boreleans?” Ashira asked, speaking slowly and carefully. “I think we-sa know it. I think that’s why you’re here. Something happened to open up the portals. My guess is that they have something to do with it. And as for Haddie,” she went on, her voice growing firm, “she’s alive. I can feel it. I know her mind relatively well, so I stayed in tune to her thoughts. I can’t tell or even guess what she’s thinking, but I know she’s thinking something. If she’s capable of thought, she’s alive.”
Kipp knew she was trying to make him feel better, but what she said didnt help. "You think they want us?" He stood, anxious to go looking for his friends. "They weren't trying to kill me. Just because she's alive doesnt mean she's ok." He wanted to go searching for them, if Haddie hadn't made it back last night then everyone was still in the forest waiting for them to come back. He stopped on his way to the door, indecision holding him back, if she did get back to them then they wouldn't be where they were and he might never find them. He glanced back at Ashira, he wouldn't be able to fly with her.

"What do you think we should do?"
Kipp knew she was trying to make him feel better, but what she said didnt help. "You think they want us?" He stood, anxious to go looking for his friends. "They weren't trying to kill me. Just because she's alive doesnt mean she's ok." He wanted to go searching for them, if Haddie hadn't made it back last night then everyone was still in the forest waiting for them to come back. He stopped on his way to the door, indecision holding him back, if she did get back to them then they wouldn't be where they were and he might never find them. He glanced back at Ashira, he wouldn't be able to fly with her.

"What do you think we should do?"
“I’m not sure,” she admitted, hugging her arms and standing up, looking a little nervous. “I know I’m supposed to be the one who knows everything that’s going on, but I don’t. No one here does. All we know is we’re being terrorized, and everyone is too scared to go out on their own. Even if your friends are alive, they’re not safe if they’re out there. No one is.” She paced around in thought. “If I could actually be useful and fly, I would, believe me. But I can’t do any of that. I don’t even know what my species is!” She kicked at a rock. “You can’t go out on your own, either, because you’re not healed enough for that.” She turned and suddenly looked decisive. “We’ll go around and try to get some supplies. If your friends are not back by midday, we’ll look for them.”
“I’m not sure,” she admitted, hugging her arms and standing up, looking a little nervous. “I know I’m supposed to be the one who knows everything that’s going on, but I don’t. No one here does. All we know is we’re being terrorized, and everyone is too scared to go out on their own. Even if your friends are alive, they’re not safe if they’re out there. No one is.” She paced around in thought. “If I could actually be useful and fly, I would, believe me. But I can’t do any of that. I don’t even know what my species is!” She kicked at a rock. “You can’t go out on your own, either, because you’re not healed enough for that.” She turned and suddenly looked decisive. “We’ll go around and try to get some supplies. If your friends are not back by midday, we’ll look for them.”
Kipp nodded, he didn't like being told he wasn't capable of doing what ever he wanted, but she was right. His feathers were dry now, but his wings still felt heavy, which meant what ever that flower drug was, it was likely still in his system. Wanting to be fine didn't make it true.

Kipp pushed his hair back out of his face. "Alright." He said firmly. Let's not forget anything this time. He grabbed his sweater off the wall, it was still quite wet, and he stuffed it inside his school bag. "I'd like to say I don't need it, but, I haven't eaten since yesterday morning."
Kipp nodded, he didn't like being told he wasn't capable of doing what ever he wanted, but she was right. His feathers were dry now, but his wings still felt heavy, which meant what ever that flower drug was, it was likely still in his system. Wanting to be fine didn't make it true.

Kipp pushed his hair back out of his face. "Alright." He said firmly. Let's not forget anything this time. He grabbed his sweater off the wall, it was still quite wet, and he stuffed it inside his school bag. "I'd like to say I don't need it, but, I haven't eaten since yesterday morning."
“Then we’d better stop at my place,” she sighed. “I don’t want to have to, since it’s past the village, but I don’t think we have a choice. I’d buy food at the village, but all my money is at my house anyway.”

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