The Hidden Door-A Role Play (AKA The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop II)

A tiny woman, dressed in leaves with short-cropped hair, balanced on the branch overhead. "Loma?" she asked. A tiny man scurried after her. They were hand-sized, like Kyle. "Canee italka?"

A creature, black as night, followed him. It was nearly invisible, but the stars were blotted out in its horrible wake. Silent wings beat like owls' wings, and the creature bore down on him from above.
The huge creature grabbed him in impossibly strong arms and subdued him with a brush of golden candelus powder that he held beneath the boy's nose. Within the space of a breath, Kipp was unconscious, without even the chance to fight. The glowing yellow powder blew away in the wind, and the we-sa turned north. Where all the action was. Without a glance at Kipp's companion.
Blair looked up suddenly, her eyes widening when she came face to face with a small woman and man. "Hello," she breathed softly, not understanding the strange tongue that they were speaking in. "I apologize if my partner and I disturbed you." She took a half a step back so she could see them better. "Can you understand me?"
A tiny woman, dressed in leaves with short-cropped hair, balanced on the branch overhead. "Loma?" she asked. A tiny man scurried after her. They were hand-sized, like Kyle. "Canee italka?"

A creature, black as night, followed him. It was nearly invisible, but the stars were blotted out in its horrible wake. Silent wings beat like owls' wings, and the creature bore down on him from above.
The huge creature grabbed him in impossibly strong arms and subdued him with a brush of golden candelus powder that he held beneath the boy's nose. Within the space of a breath, Kipp was unconscious, without even the chance to fight. The glowing yellow powder blew away in the wind, and the we-sa turned north. Where all the action was. Without a glance at Kipp's companion.
Take was just about to reply to Blair before he heard a tiny voice in a language he didn’t comprehend. “Did you hear that..” he whispered, his eyes darting to find the source of the female voice. He glanced up quickly, his three glowing eyes spotting the tiny woman, “She’s as small as Kyle” he commented.
(Ah, screw it. Let's go all out.)
I will not be responsible for another child's death. Haddie thought with resolve, before squeezing her eyes shut and shifting into a winged dragon. She fluttered a bit, her stomach rife with hunger pangs from the two massive shifts, but she soon regained her balance and flew towards the creature, roaring at it and blowing fire above it(nowhere near Kipp, of course.)
The creature spun... to face a huge dragon. It had never met a shifter in its short life, and was overwhelmed by the sudden enormity of the dragon. It dove in it's not very aerodynamic flight and flew faster, avoiding the flames that burst from the dragon's mouth.
Blair looked up suddenly, her eyes widening when she came face to face with a small woman and man. "Hello," she breathed softly, not understanding the strange tongue that they were speaking in. "I apologize if my partner and I disturbed you." She took a half a step back so she could see them better. "Can you understand me?"

Take was just about to reply to Blair before he heard a tiny voice in a language he didn’t comprehend. “Did you hear that..” he whispered, his eyes darting to find the source of the female voice. He glanced up quickly, his three glowing eyes spotting the tiny woman, “She’s as small as Kyle” he commented.
"Itta lik?" the woman asked. She turned to the man. He had dark brown hair and eyes, but shared the same pale skin and sharp features that all the little people had.
"Ya snaw contata? Abita we-sa..." He turned serious, tapping his fingers on his pants, made out of some kind of brown tree material.
"Imatta ni." the woman added. Clearly, if they did not listen to their warnings, these people were not worth saving. She shrugged and turned to the man. "Contana."
And then they had disappeared, quick as the blink of an eye, to where the little fires glowed in the treetops.
The creature spun... to face a huge dragon. It had never met a shifter in its short life, and was overwhelmed by the sudden enormity of the dragon. It dove in it's not very aerodynamic flight and flew faster, avoiding the flames that burst from the dragon's mouth.

( Wheeeeeeee )
The creature spun... to face a huge dragon. It had never met a shifter in its short life, and was overwhelmed by the sudden enormity of the dragon. It dove in it's not very aerodynamic flight and flew faster, avoiding the flames that burst from the dragon's mouth.

"Itta lik?" the woman asked. She turned to the man. He had dark brown hair and eyes, but shared the same pale skin and sharp features that all the little people had.
"Ya snaw contata? Abita we-sa..." He turned serious, tapping his fingers on his pants, made out of some kind of brown tree material.
"Imatta ni." the woman added. Clearly, if they did not listen to their warnings, these people were not worth saving. She shrugged and turned to the man. "Contana."
And then they had disappeared, quick as the blink of an eye, to where the little fires glowed in the treetops.
Well, at least it's scared of me. That's good. She roared again and flew.faster, nipping at the things tail, pulling out a few feathers. "Just drop the kid, dumb***."
The creature spun... to face a huge dragon. It had never met a shifter in its short life, and was overwhelmed by the sudden enormity of the dragon. It dove in it's not very aerodynamic flight and flew faster, avoiding the flames that burst from the dragon's mouth.

"Itta lik?" the woman asked. She turned to the man. He had dark brown hair and eyes, but shared the same pale skin and sharp features that all the little people had.
"Ya snaw contata? Abita we-sa..." He turned serious, tapping his fingers on his pants, made out of some kind of brown tree material.
"Imatta ni." the woman added. Clearly, if they did not listen to their warnings, these people were not worth saving. She shrugged and turned to the man. "Contana."
And then they had disappeared, quick as the blink of an eye, to where the little fires glowed in the treetops.
Take had complete confusion sprawled across his face, he tried to watch their body language and see if it would help him understand them better, but the woman’s shrug simply told him they were dismissed. When they disappeared, he looked at Blair, his mouth gaped slightly open to speak, but he was just speechless. What was that about... He looked back towards where the two tiny people were, and his eyes traveled up to the very top of the tree, noticing small fires that would come from matches. “Should I check it out..?” he whispered curiously, not sure of what he would see if he jumped up there, or if it was even worth the time since they spoke a totally different dialect.
The creature spun... to face a huge dragon. It had never met a shifter in its short life, and was overwhelmed by the sudden enormity of the dragon. It dove in it's not very aerodynamic flight and flew faster, avoiding the flames that burst from the dragon's mouth.

"Itta lik?" the woman asked. She turned to the man. He had dark brown hair and eyes, but shared the same pale skin and sharp features that all the little people had.
"Ya snaw contata? Abita we-sa..." He turned serious, tapping his fingers on his pants, made out of some kind of brown tree material.
"Imatta ni." the woman added. Clearly, if they did not listen to their warnings, these people were not worth saving. She shrugged and turned to the man. "Contana."
And then they had disappeared, quick as the blink of an eye, to where the little fires glowed in the treetops.
Blair tilted her head, eyes narrowing. She couldn't, for the life of her, understand what they were saying. She understood it was serious, but not what they meant. "I don't–" And suddenly they were gone, quicker then she could even blink. "No, wait!" She looked upward seeing little fires glowering at the tops of the trees. "Please, wait... I don't understand what you are saying..."
Well, at least it's scared of me. That's good. She roared again and flew.faster, nipping at the things tail, pulling out a few feathers. "Just drop the kid, dumb***."
The creature screeched as the dragon pulled out some feathers that it hadn't realized it had in its otherwise furry tail. I really am a monster.
It still had some self-preservation in its twisted mind, however, and eventually released Kipp's limp form before disappearing beneath the treeline.
The creature screeched as the dragon pulled out some feathers that it hadn't realized it had in its otherwise furry tail. I really am a monster.
It still had some self-preservation in its twisted mind, however, and eventually released Kipp's limp form before disappearing beneath the treeline.
(Oh, my bad, but that is the funniest way you could have possibly put it XD)
Haddie immediately dove under Kipp, pulling up once she felt him on her back. He didn't seem like he was in immediate danger of falling. She looked around, trying to figure out where the rest of the group was. However, at this point, they seemed to be closer to where she remembered the village being(if that's ok). She turned towards it, and flew, trying to be gentle.
Blair tilted her head, eyes narrowing. She couldn't, for the life of her, understand what they were saying. She understood it was serious, but not what they meant. "I don't–" And suddenly they were gone, quicker then she could even blink. "No, wait!" She looked upward seeing little fires glowering at the tops of the trees. "Please, wait... I don't understand what you are saying..."
"Aya?" a boy, the size of a finger asked. His little blue eyes widened in amazement, and his pupils dilated as her tried to peer into the darkness. He sparked a tiny torch in his hand and waved it in front of him. 'Abitti. Agira! Tori! Tori!" Another boy his size, with a dandelion puff of white-blond hair slid down beside him. He pointed at Blair. "Essen en Woman. Lycan, diresic. Ah, ee rosen." He pointed at Take. Squeaky shouting came from above, but the two boys disregarded it.

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