The History Channel Scares Me!!

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Channel that worry into something positive. You do of course already have an emergency kit yes? If not get a list of what supplies are reccommended in your area (some vary, in CA ours reccommends sunblock in case of being stuck outside after earthquakes make the buildings unsafe to enter) and put together an emergancy kit. Practice a few fire and emergency drills with your kids. Get cpr training.
Do I think the world will end? Naw, I've still too much to do for that. But getting yourself together for the next quake/tornado/ice storm/power outage is just the smart thing to do. As for the whole god thing? I'm not a Christian, but my gods care for everything that lives, I think that's a pretty universial thing with most faiths.
I like the way you think!
We like the life after people series.Dd has watched some of the 2012 stuff. I think she asked if she could have that day off from school,lol.

I think it is good to have food,water,and supplies stocked anyway.Not that I have that much,but it sure comes in handy when we are snowed in or everyone is to sick to make a store run.
We lived in CT for a while, and I got used to keeping a couple of shelves in the basement with "ice storm" supplies, which came in very handy a couple of times. I continued the drill when we moved to SC and it worked for Hurricane Hugo in '89 also. Now I've retired in TN and we're doing the same thing since we live way out in the country.

You are absolutely correct. It just never hurts to be at least a little prepared for minor or major disasters; that has nothing to do with doom and gloom forecasts, just with common sense.
Oh yes siree! I stopped doing all those things because they just frustrate me. If I want news I can find it but I don't let it rule my life or influence it anymore.
If everything should end, what can we do? So I live life everyday, enjoy my family and friends and chickens and don't worry about 2012. I plan and make goals and enjoy myself.
Otherwise why live at all? We all have to go sometime anyway.
I don't mean to make light of something that is obviously a genuine concern to you, but I live by the adage, "it is what it is".
I personally don't put any stock in the 2012 thing, but many people do.
I guess I don't really understand how or why people are prepping for the world to end? How exacty would one prep for that?

Please noone take offense at this, but as a person of faith, this kind of thing doesn't bother me at all!
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