The History Channel Scares Me!!

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Actually, the Roman Empire didn't just fall in one event. It slowly petered out over several years.
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Still looking for the great Calefornia earthquake of 2010 that the bible code predicts. I dont live there so I really dont care but hey. Someone somewhere thinks it will hapen. Its in dang near every future movie out....

As for the history channel, there job it to get rating so they can sell ad space. Truth has nothing to do with it.
I'm going to be surfing craigslist and hunting yard sales on Dec 13th, 2012. Should be some great deals available on equipment from the crazy hoarder types.

Being prepared is a good thing. Everyone should be able to take care of their basic needs for a week or two in case of a disaster. Beyond that though, you are approaching the realm of paranoia.
"they" say the world will change as we know it,,doesnt mean for the bad,,it could mean all the bad people will just poof,dissappear..think of how many great jobs would open up if that happened,..and if the world does turn on its axes,,I wouldnt mind having MN where TX is for a while..
I keep saying, the date being based on the Mayan calendar, what if some Mayan guy said to himself " my hand hurts, I think Im going to stop at 2012" if it happens, it happens but I wont hold my breath.
none of us knows when we are going to die..or even HOW we are going to die. If we go on be it... what can we do about it?
idunno.gif suggestion to everyone is to just enjoy life while we can..


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The only thing to fear is fear it's self !..................
The prediction came from reading the stars. It's pretty incredable how acuratly they did it. In Dec of 2012 the Earth for the first time in mans existance will move to the other side of the milkyway durring a planetary alignment. The Milkyway is thought to be what creates the magnetic pull that creates the North and South Pole. The thought is that the poles are going to switch places. There for a compass will point south. That will also cause the tides to change direction,along with alot of other things. It wont be the end of the world, just a change. The Myans also predicted the end of thier existence. They still exist, there just spread out & go by a differant nationality now. Live life with out regrets, but dont fear tomarrow!
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I kindof have to disagree with this.
A week or two is not very much. A bad blizzard or worse, a bad hurricane or earthquake could put you out of service for a lot longer then two weeks.

We had a bad blizzard here in Colorado several years ago on New Years that caused 60,000 cows to die from starvation. After a week or so the National Guard started flying hay to the cows in helicopters and dropping it to them. We had almost 5 feet of snow on mostly dirt roads. There were people down in the boondocks, 60 or 80 miles away from the closest store, who were very grateful to have enough water, food, and fuel for a month or so.

I have never seen so many rabbits and deer out looking for food as I did that winter. In a bad natural or political disaster, every store will be looted and empty within 24 hours. If you don't have food and water, you are not only putting your family at risk, you are depending on the government to be both willing and able to provide all your needs.
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