The History Channel Scares Me!!

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The Maya and other MesoAmericans believed that the world has already ended 4 times. The last time was the Great Flood (coincidence?) This next time is supposed to be by earthquakes. Yet the Earth and people are still around, they don't see the "end" as finality, more as the end of an era and change
No matter how you stack the deck ... some major sweeping changes need to occur voluntarily or will be forced upon the system as a whole. One of our biggest issues is that as a species we are overpopulated and nature always finds a way to deal with that issue, unless we do it to ourselves first

This was the thinking in the 1970's. According to what was taught then, we would all be living in Hong Kong style cities by now. The population bomb predictions were so wrong they are laughable. I laugh even harder now when I hear them 30 years later.​
You better beleve I will an most of the people I know would too. I would guess at least 30% of the country would. Sounds like patriotisem to me..... Sure you are not the one who is parinoid of them

See, this is what I just don't get. You flat out admit that you'd start murdering people, and you don't see why that makes other people not want to trust you with weapons. Talk about a catch-22. I'm all for the right to bear arms, but frankly, people who state they'd start shooting cops for doing their jobs are the type of people that shouldn't be trusted to own a firearm. Talking about shooting people because of this fantasy you have that they are going to kick down the door and take all your guns? Really?

China wouldn't have to take over militarily. All they need to do is cut off what they and the rest of the asian market supplies and not import any raw materials from the U.S.. They have the financial resources to hold out economically

They really don't. They'd be shooting themselves in the food and cause their own economic collapse by eliminating the trade relations with the US.

The U.S. has made itself vulnerable to economic attack by not having a manufacturing and agriculture base big enough to fall back on to supply the population.

The US is actually quite capable of supporting it's own needs, the reason stuff is imported from China is because it's cheaper that way. People don't want to pay $20 for something manufactured in the US when they can pay $5 for something manufactured in China. You'd be amazed to see the amount of foodstuff grown in the US that just goes completely to waste. There are still a lot of people paid handsomely to NOT farm their land.

We aren't actually overpopulated, we produce enough foodstuffs to feed the population of the world quite well, people starve because we let them, not because there is not enough food for them. We are a wasteful society, not an overpopulated one. If we all went to a vegetarian diet (which is a better use of farmed calories) Texas alone could probably come pretty close to feeding the world. A disproportionate amount of what we grow goes to feed livestock which cuts down seriously on crop efficiency.

Anyone, on that show, they showed how to 'escape from LA'. If you follow their advice, you will die. Probably quickly. The road they showed the people taking would have lead into Death Valley. They call it that for a REASON. If you are in LA when some sort of apocalyptic event happens, head for either the mountains or the ocean. If you do find yourself in the desert, there are actually a surprising amount of cave systems with springs, and small groups could actually survive with ease. The Mojave desert has had many people call it home over the centuries, and there are actually lakes, rivers, and springs there. Several large animals survive in the Mojave. Instead of loading yourself until you can't move with water, you'd be better off with purification tablets and a kettle to boil in and just carry yourself a couple days worth of water. Once upon a time, I worked at a ranger station out in Death Valley. Here is what would have killed the people in the show: They headed into the desert DURING THE DAY!!! No, you hole up during the day and travel at night, your water will last longer and you won't be dead of the heatstroke your first day. Or overheat your vehicle if you are lucky enough to have one and thus waste your water that way.

But the truth of the matter is, head for the mountains or the ocean unless you know where/how to find these things in the desert. There are a lot of creeks and lakes in those woods, and a lot of dirt trails that will lead you right to them. There are also many edible plants and critters.

In an apocalyptic situation, become a vegetarian. It's a better use of your calories and more reliable a source of food. Plant a variety of crops so a single hazard won't wipe out your entire food source. Don't worry about a generator, learn to live without electricity. In a true apocalyptic situation, you won't have gas to run the generator fairly quickly, a generator is only going to help in a couple week to a month situation.

No, if it's a true apocalyptic situation, you don't need a generator, you need a forge. You don't need to know how to make gunpowder, you need to know how to make arrows that fly straight. You don't need a ten year stock of carrots, you need to know how to gather seeds and identify edible wild plants.

This Mad Max fantasy most people have is just that, fantasy.​
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See, this is what I just don't get. You flat out admit that you'd start murdering people, and you don't see why that makes other people not want to trust you with weapons.

The problem you are having is you don't know the difference between murder and self defense. I walk over to my neighbor's house and shoot him in the head while he is pruning his roses...that is murder. My neighbor breaks in to my house and tries to take my food, my weapons, or hurt my family, he is an intruder and killing him is self defense.​
In an apocalyptic situation, become a vegetarian. It's a better use of your calories and more reliable a source of food.

Actually it is not. There is plenty of archeological evidence that shows much worse cases of malnutrition in societies that relied on crops vs hunter-gatherer societies. They both had phases of famine (you can tell by examining the bones) but the hunter-gathers experienced it less often and for shorter durations, and also had overall less disease as well.

You don't need a ten year stock of carrots, you need to know how to gather seeds and identify edible wild plants.

I agree with you on this one...but a 10 year supply of carrots gives you time to learn.​
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Oh lovely... you know I never thought about the DATE, just the year... 12:28am 12-13 is my b-day... so if the world's still turning I'll be having a 32nd b-day toast about that time. Wait... is it 0:00 (midnight) 12-12-12 as in the night of the 11th... or even 12:00 noon... ohhh or 12:12 lunchtime... if so, just forget all that other guff.

I've always heard that it would fall on December 21, 2012.

Whichever day it is, I'm having a party the next day, and I'm baking a birthday cake for Princess K. End of the world or just another day, I'll hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. BTW I'm not paranoid. I just believe in being self sufficient and not depending on government. It's not just natural disasters that make it wise to stockpile a bit of food. After all, many of us could end up unemployed at any minute. If I were suddenly jobless, at least there would still be food.
The problem you are having is you don't know the difference between murder and self defense. I walk over to my neighbor's house and shoot him in the head while he is pruning his roses...that is murder. My neighbor breaks in to my house and tries to take my food, my weapons, or hurt my family, he is an intruder and killing him is self defense.

Actually it is not. There is plenty of archeological evidence that shows much worse cases of malnutrition in societies that relied on crops vs hunter-gatherer societies. They both had phases of famine (you can tell by examining the bones) but the hunter-gathers experienced it less often and for shorter durations, and also had overall less disease as well.

You don't need a ten year stock of carrots, you need to know how to gather seeds and identify edible wild plants.

I agree with you on this one...but a 10 year supply of carrots gives you time to learn.​

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The problem you are having is you don't know the difference between murder and self defense. I walk over to my neighbor's house and shoot him in the head while he is pruning his roses...that is murder. My neighbor breaks in to my house and tries to take my food, my weapons, or hurt my family, he is an intruder and killing him is self defense.

Actually it is not. There is plenty of archeological evidence that shows much worse cases of malnutrition in societies that relied on crops vs hunter-gatherer societies. They both had phases of famine (you can tell by examining the bones) but the hunter-gathers experienced it less often and for shorter durations, and also had overall less disease as well.

You don't need a ten year stock of carrots, you need to know how to gather seeds and identify edible wild plants.

I agree with you on this one...but a 10 year supply of carrots gives you time to learn.​


C'mon you guys. Stop confusing people with facts and reality. Don't you realize that utopia is obtainable?
According to this the end of the world should have already happened.

On a serious note though you really should have an emergency stockpile for things that happen. Remember when everyone was without power for a few weeks last year??
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