

chillin' with my peeps!
8 Years
Oct 3, 2015
Hi, it’s me, Anna. You may also know me from the Artists thread. Well, it turns out I’m also a beginner gardener and plant keeper!
Feel free to post pics of your plants and any advice you can share with me, a newbie :D
I’ll begin!
I first started keeping cacti/succulents a few years back, but it never became a real hobby until this year. Because of that, my old plants are dying. Maybe I’ll be able to revive them with your help.
Here’s some pictures of my old plants.
Some beheaded and repotted jade (in old soil.) they are pretty dehydrated.

floppy cacti.

some more repotted succulents. The aloes are withering and The little echieveria was dying of mold. I had to pull off some leaves, but I can’t do anything to help it now. I don’t care if the aloes die since I have a healthier one anyway.

the rotted leaves. Yuck!

I promise I take better care of my newer plants!!
Fun! I have some orchids and succulent plants as well, along with several avocado seedlings I sprouted in water. I'll get some pictures later today.
I finally got some pictures! This will be a fairly long post.
First of all, this is a young saguaro cactus we purchased in Arizona back in 2016. I am not sure how old it is but they take a very long time to grow. The portion that has no black spines is the part that has grown since we got it.

This is a lithops plant (?) that I have had for about as long as the saguaro. It has grown quite tall! I used to have several more but unfortunately they didn't last.

I have no clue what type of cactus this is. It is fluffy and is growing in an unexpected direction!

This is a panda plant that had fallen off my original plant and grown tiny roots. I apologize for the blurry picture (it was dark).

Here is the original panda plant. As you can see it was not doing exceptionally well, but it seems to be making a comeback. Would you like to know what I named this plant?
I decided to choose a silly and very random name for this funny, fluffy plant when I acquired it last year. Feeling inspired by my chickens, I named it Spleckles, Fluffiest Chicken. The cutting I propagated from it is named Waffles, Fluffiest Puppy.

We have a few orchid plants that are flowering beautifully at the moment.

These are avocado pits I sprouted in water. This first one took a very long time to sprout, and for a while I thought it was going to fail. It is now doing well. I have not been keeping track, but I feel I must have had the pit in water for around 2 years now. (?)

This second avocado plant is newer than the first. It is already quite tall but has not sprouted leaves yet. I changed the water in both jars yesterday.

This one was put in water at the same time as the first one, but it sprouted and grew more rapidly so I was able to transfer it outside about half a year ago. It was slowly declining so a few weeks ago I cut off all the rotting leaves in hopes that it would allow the plant to put more energy into growing its new ones. It seems to be working!

And finally, here are a couple of non-houseplants.
I finally got some pictures! This will be a fairly long post.
First of all, this is a young saguaro cactus we purchased in Arizona back in 2016. I am not sure how old it is but they take a very long time to grow. The portion that has no black spines is the part that has grown since we got it.
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This is a lithops plant (?) that I have had for about as long as the saguaro. It has grown quite tall! I used to have several more but unfortunately they didn't last.
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I have no clue what type of cactus this is. It is fluffy and is growing in an unexpected direction!
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This is a panda plant that had fallen off my original plant and grown tiny roots. I apologize for the blurry picture (it was dark). View attachment 2634095
Here is the original panda plant. As you can see it was not doing exceptionally well, but it seems to be making a comeback. Would you like to know what I named this plant?
I decided to choose a silly and very random name for this funny, fluffy plant when I acquired it last year. Feeling inspired by my chickens, I named it Spleckles, Fluffiest Chicken. The cutting I propagated from it is named Waffles, Fluffiest Puppy.
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We have a few orchid plants that are flowering beautifully at the moment.
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These are avocado pits I sprouted in water. This first one took a very long time to sprout, and for a while I thought it was going to fail. It is now doing well. I have not been keeping track, but I feel I must have had the pit in water for around 2 years now. (?)
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This second avocado plant is newer than the first. It is already quite tall but has not sprouted leaves yet. I changed the water in both jars yesterday.
View attachment 2634106

This one was put in water at the same time as the first one, but it sprouted and grew more rapidly so I was able to transfer it outside about half a year ago. It was slowly declining so a few weeks ago I cut off all the rotting leaves in hopes that it would allow the plant to put more energy into growing its new ones. It seems to be working!
View attachment 2634112
And finally, here are a couple of non-houseplants.View attachment 2634114
those are awesome!
also, i learned that when your cacti grow like that it's called etoliation, it means they aren't getting enough sun and will grow towards a light source. So I would put them in a sunny window if you haven't already. you can see that on my cacti in my last post!
those are awesome!
also, i learned that when your cacti grow like that it's called etoliation, it means they aren't getting enough sun and will grow towards a light source. So I would put them in a sunny window if you haven't already. you can see that on my cacti in my last post!
Ah, that makes sense. It is currently the farthest away from the window. I will move it to a more suitable location.
Update time!
It's been a while, but my plants are doing well--mostly.
The repotted aloes were flopping over and generally looking horrible, and the other succulents in there were getting worse, so I ditched those guys (except one healthy leaf from the rotted succ in hopes it will propagate). Between this aloe and my other aloe that is turning discolored (not the one I showed you, a different one) I only have one aloe that remains healthy. Fingers crossed I manage to keep it that way!

I'm rescuing a few of my mom's plants!
Here's a Christmas Cactus. I gave it a good watering but I will probably want to repot it soon; its soil doesn't look the greatest.

And an orchid...but with no drainage hole in the pot!
I pull it out of the pot and remove the bark chips to evaluate it, and sure enough...

These yellow roots have got to go!

Here's the newly repotted plant in front, with my other orchid in the back who'd been only half-repotted for a week or two. One underwatered, one overwatered; and both are now on their way to better health, hopefully!

I finally moved them into my sisters' old bedroom because it has this lovely turret with south and east-facing windows!

Notice the cute little greenhouse, or 'Wardian Case' my dad made for me a while back out of the house's old windows. I hope to put something alive in there eventually, but right now it's full of dead plants that I don't care for anymore.
Also. Yes, that is an ironing board (my sister is furious at me). This is a very makeshift setup as you can see.

Some of what's on top of the bookshelf (for now).
I still have to hang up Patience, my string-of-dolphins. I'll probably have to repot her a second time as well since I forgot to give it drainage (though her roots don't go very deep in yet so I'm not super concerned).

My three newest additions! Cobweb Hens&Chicks, Perle von Nuremberg, and a Gasteria of some sort...

I was able to repot many of my little succulents, including the ones above, into one big chaotic bowl the other day!
I still need to fix some aspects of the arrangement, but here it is for now! I've put some smaller cuttings in what looks like those big 'gaps'. Hopefully, they'll grow into their place someday.
IMG_6071.JPG's the progress on my propagated leaves!
The echeverias have grown a lot of adorable pink roots. No succulent babies yet!

The sedums have started growing the very start of the baby succulents, though!

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