You’re supposed to cut it with about an inch of stem on each side. I’ll post a pic in a second. You should makes sure you have the little brown bumps (I forget the actual word for them) connected to the cutting.
Like this:

(Don’t let the roots get as long as I did lol. I didn’t have any extra plant pots. But it’s harder to plant them in soil the longer you wait)

But you’re supposed to cut it like that. If you look close at the top of the root (where it came out of the stem) you can see the brown bump. That’s important because that’s where the root comes from. So you need that in your cutting.
I've got two little aloes...they don't seem to have grown at all since I got them last year but otherwise they seem happy? Almost accidentally killed them by leaving them out too long when it turned cold in the fall but they came back with a little TLC.

And I just got an orange guzmania for my birthday, so I'm trying to figure out bromeliad care now. Think I need to get it a bigger pot first.
I went looking online to try to ID the type of plant it was when I got it (it only said 'bromeliad' on the tag) and I got sucked into looked at bromeliad nursery sites and I think I'm in love.

Got a bunch of stuff in my fishtanks too. I actually just split up like five of the species to give some to a local guy who's starting his aquarium. I was very pleased to see how big my cryptocoryne had gotten! However I appear to have lost my main rotala one of its offshoots in my holding tank though, at least.
(Don’t let the roots get as long as I did lol. I didn’t have any extra plant pots. But it’s harder to plant them in soil the longer you wait)
Ha, ha, I usually forget my cuttings until there are so many roots filling the jar that I can't hardly get it out. Right now I have half a dozen jars of different cane begonias rooting and some trimmings from my Philodendron Brasil.

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