The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Do these orpingtons look like they're from UK lines or just American birds?





I am not sure about the first few but that splash cockerel is far to leggy to be an English orp
Do these orpingtons look like they're from UK lines or just American birds?

They don't look like imports but Id rather say they don't look to be exhibition quality birds if you are looking to breed for size and exhibition quality. I have seen imported birds that didn't look like quality birds either.
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Hello everyone. I have three roos I am growing out and would like honest critiques.Bare with me as I am attempting this from my phone.
First all together.


Now individual.
Louis the 100% EO

Look at the next thread for the other two. Please keep in mind Louis is over a month older. The other two just started crowing. Louis has been crowing for over two months. I am hoping you all will point out any glaring flaws.
Unnamed blue rooster. This is the one I really don't know about. I question his color and he just looks funny to me. Wondering if he will change much in the next few months.

He would not stay still for a good head shot. Kept trying to get in my lap.
Thanks for the compliment on Louis. I did not breed him though so I can not take credit. Next year when I have chicks off him I can start taking a bit of credit. Right now I am trying to decide if I should even bother keeping the other two.
Alibra, I like your splash roo, but I am so new to this my opinion is suspect. Can not really tell on the hens.

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