The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

awww how cute!
Just got my English orps ordered 2 chocolate cuckoo and 3 lavander I was trying to get a size idea does anyone have a pic of someone holding 1 ? I do know they are very large but would just like to see how large lol
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Just got my English orps ordered 2 chocolate cuckoo and 3 lavander I was trying to get a size idea does anyone have a pic of someone holding 1 ? I do know they are very large but would just like to see how large lol
lol I've been trying to figure that out too!

May I ask you where you ordered yours from? ...and were they straight run or pullets?

I have 1 Buff, 1 Blue, I splash, 1 black and 1 Australorp...they are 2 and 3 weeks old and every day when I go visit them, I'm praying to not see any pink on their comb
If they turn out male, I'll have to start all over again, but this time I would get pullets not baby chicks
Just got my English orps ordered 2 chocolate cuckoo and 3 lavander I was trying to get a size idea does anyone have a pic of someone holding 1 ? I do know they are very large but would just like to see how large lol

It depends on their breeding what size they will be. Wont do much good to see others unless theirs are from the same line as yours.
We have english orps and they are pretty decent size. A lot bigger then hatchery orps but ive seen some huge orps at some shows. Ive seen orps that were pretty much twice tbe size of others.
Hello all!

I have spent the last week or so reading this thread from the beginning. Let me say in the 87 pages I've read so far, I've learned SO much. I originally told myself I would post until I read every page, but I can't contain myself.
I am hoping to get some information about obtaining BBS hatching eggs. I am looking to get some BIG English type-y Orps.
I know the wait can be extensive, so I'm hoping to put feelers out now.
I would really appreciate a pm from anyone selling hatching eggs including prices and photos of parent stock.

Thank you all, I'm going back to burry my nose in the troves of excellent information!

Hi Rose,

I just want to say good luck to you!.. I hope you'll find the beautiful birds you are looking for, and when you do, I hope you'll come back on here and show them off!

Thank you!! I absolutely will! What started me on this search was a couple chicks I purchased that are "English BBS Orps," I didn't know enough to ask to see parent stock, so who knows how much English blood and type are in them! They are only two weeks old, so I guess we will find out!
Hello all!

I have spent the last week or so reading this thread from the beginning. Let me say in the 87 pages I've read so far, I've learned SO much. I originally told myself I would post until I read every page, but I can't contain myself.
I am hoping to get some information about obtaining BBS hatching eggs. I am looking to get some BIG English type-y Orps.
I know the wait can be extensive, so I'm hoping to put feelers out now.
I would really appreciate a pm from anyone selling hatching eggs including prices and photos of parent stock.

Thank you all, I'm going back to burry my nose in the troves of excellent information!


I got my BBS English Orps from Papa's Poultry in Redding, CA.
Does anyone think they could pick out a jubilee chick by a picture? I ordered a hatchery rare breed assortment just for the million in one odds i may get a jubilee. Well didn't think i did, but this one chick is "heavy in the rear" like my other Orp babies are and now is starting to feather out like pictures ive seen (okay stalked and drooled over). I cant belive that I'm asking this bc I know its probably not and just my wishful thinking making one last They're all in bed now and have zome new babies fresh out of the hatcher in with them so dont want to upset everyone digging around for one chick but promise I'll get pocs first thing in the AM.

PS.. @QueenMisha I LOVE your profile image. Hes been my drool worthy man since he was a baby in Days and Ive loved Supernatural since Day 1.

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