The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Now, can someone tell me how to get rid of all the useless stuff on the right side of the pages on this new site? The pictures look like nothing at all.
Thanks a lot,


If you are on Firefox or Chrome, you can use "Adblocker," and "AdBlock Plus," to knock out LOTS of stuff!
Jimmy, how are your babies doing?

Just great Jeremy, I have an updated picture on my site. They are two spoiled birds. Still in my basement and when I go down to fix the coal furnace one or both of them fly up on the side of their pen to greet me. Can't wait for our spring weather to get here so I can move them out side. They are REALLY growing.
Quick many pullets can go in with 1 roo and still have good fertility? I have 5 pullets and 1 roo, all 100% English Orps, that I just separated into their breeding pen. Do you think that will be ok or should I take 1 out?
Just great Jeremy, I have an updated picture on my site. They are two spoiled birds. Still in my basement and when I go down to fix the coal furnace one or both of them fly up on the side of their pen to greet me. Can't wait for our spring weather to get here so I can move them out side. They are REALLY growing.

Jimmy, you should post some pictures here on the thread so we can all see them!

I did visit your site and took a look myself, your pullet already has beautiful lacing. I love watching these birds grow. I'm finding myself wishing my babies at home were already grown just so I can see what my first year of breeding produced for me.

I did purchase that membership.
What now?


Marc, you'll have to wait for the BYC staff to now process your purchase and then upgrade your account.

Once that is done you go to your profile, click Edit Account Details and then scroll down through the list of preferences and check and uncheck what you would like to see or hide on the site.
Quick many pullets can go in with 1 roo and still have good fertility? I have 5 pullets and 1 roo, all 100% English Orps, that I just separated into their breeding pen. Do you think that will be ok or should I take 1 out?

Rising Star, I'd say a 1 to 5 ratio should be just fine. My cockerel had 6 hens and I'm pretty sure he bred all of them. You'll find that they tend to have their "favorites" and those girls usually loose feathers on their back and neck/head the fastest, when that starts happening you can put a saddle on your hens or remove them for awhile so that they can get a break from your boys advances.

Let's see some pictures of your birds!
Jimmy, you should post some pictures here on the thread so we can all see them!

I did visit your site and took a look myself, your pullet already has beautiful lacing. I love watching these birds grow. I'm finding myself wishing my babies at home were already grown just so I can see what my first year of breeding produced for me.
Okay Jeremy, ask and you shall receive. Just took these about 15 minutes ago. Gosh, they seem to have almost double in size already and I've only had them a little over a month. They are about the quietest birds that I've ever owned. Oh, by the way, Darwyn has been crowing for a couple of weeks now. lol For those who haven't seen my site, these two's names are Darwyn and Dahlia. ha,ha,ha These two are around 5 months old. The combs and wattles are more red then it show up on these pictures.
Jimmy, I think they're beautiful... but of course I'm biased.

Your little boy seems to already have a nice round chest, I can't believe he is already crowing?

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