The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Thanks Bryce, Julie and Galanie for the nice compliments!

Kiniska....that Chocolate is my big baby....he sits on my lap and just coos to me! He's so sweet!

Thanks Vickie! It looks like a box of colored crayons in my yard sometimes.....LOL

Delisha and got that right! LUV ME SOME GLO'S! They just POP with color don't they? your birds too! I have Blues and Splash as well....just need to get some good pics of them too!

Yep....I don't think there's a color that I don't like.....LOL Just give me a rainbow! There isn't an ugly orp out there.....even if they have flaws....they have a fantastic personality to make up for it! Gotta love those orps!

Have a great day everybody!
Bama, if you can "see" this post, I hope all went well yesterday.

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