The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Julie I really like that splash chick it's so big,
I really love all your orps!!

ETA: these pics were taken yesterday, it was like 30* but still we had the sun come out and they were enjoying it,I have a hatchery BR with them her name is Barbara she is blind in one eye and lays green eggs, she looks so small next to them. I have 2 black chickens and 1 blue, but one of the black ones is in a separate pen cause I'm taking that pullet to a show next week

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Just wanted to post these guys. I know they're not perfect but I think they're pretty cool. I'm just starting to learn about these guys so if you guys have opinions good or otherwise let me know. I picked them up in late July I think they were 2 weeks old. The Blue Roo is the one I question he's the largest by far but looks immature

My "kids" - and thedragonlady's grandkids

They thought I might be bringing food.. so of course Cleo is in the lead.


Figured out no food was coming so off the go LOL. I forgot to put a 5 gallon bucket in there first but his back is almost even with the top of one


They are 20 weeks. Fifi seems a bit smaller than Cleo and I'm thinking it may be because of such an injury (hawk attack) while still growing. The wing is 99% healed and looks good. I had that happen to one of my hatchery birds. It pulled through a bad slash from a critter in the night but was smaller than her "sisters" for the longest time. Body put energy into healing temporarily rather than growing.

And Vickie: Cleo's comb is getting fairly red. I'm thinking she'll be laying in a month or so. :weee

The boy is cooing to them when there's good stuff, trying to mount some, not much, but has yet to crow. YAY.
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