The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

feather shaft is the center of the feather like a tree trunk..if it is darker or lighter than the rest of the feather, that is shafting, maybe somone else has a better explanation..

Delisha, I had to look twice, thought that was my yard and shoveled paths everywhere...I dont have that nice hen thou ...I cant wait to see grass and tree leaves again..
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3 eggs from my BBS Orps today! They are finally realising they need to start laying again...

Don't let them know it's important!
Im going to post this again because it is so close to the shafting photos above so people can see , this bird has no shafting. I could not find one feather with shafting, no lines at all..he has his issues but shafting isnt one of them. Im not sure, but I think if you click on this picture, it might get bigger..shafting is very very common..its almost an after thought beyond type and the rest..But I happened to notice that Rogers birds seem to have none..none of the babies I had have it..when you blow the picture up, you can see that every feather is an even greyish blue color..thought it was pretty neat..Im just sick that weasles took them..that will never happen again..I fixed all window wire ect... Elvis is the king.... of lacing LOL!

Julie, Im sure they wouldnt mind if you used those pictures for reference ..

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I will post some pics of your grands this week. They look awesome with fantastic coloring and type! They are huge!!

They are an absolute treasure to Sarah and I ..I dont think there is any peice of gold we would trade them for...They are well loved..and a blessing

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