The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I found your thread and was just wondering if anyone had a guess on the sex of this chick.
It is a BBS English Orpington. The legs are not the right color?
I appreciate you looking... thank you

6 weeks old

10 weeks old in the following 3 pictures

buffs are 9 weeks old..BBS and Blue Marans are 10 weeks
Here is a photo parade from my trip to the barn today. I hope you enjoy.

The sunshine girl and boy from The Dragon Lady and LFC project cockeral I hatched from rockinpaints

Sunshine girl #2 from The Dragon Lady

Crele Orps from rockinpaints--I love these guys!

More chicks in one of the brooders.
We have chicks running out of our ears, but my incubator is still on and working hard!

And my newest from rockinpaints!!! GLOs!!!! Yay me!

Such beautiful baby's!!!!
I found your thread and was just wondering if anyone had a guess on the sex of this chick.
It is a BBS English Orpington. The legs are not the right color?
I appreciate you looking... thank you

buffs are 9 weeks old..BBS and Blue Marans are 10 weeks

It looks like this bird has yellow skin, which would explain the green legs... which in Orpingtons is a big no no.

Where did you get this bird from? I'd go as far to say that it's not a pure Orpington.
It looks like this bird has yellow skin, which would explain the green legs... which in Orpingtons is a big no no.

Where did you get this bird from? I'd go as far to say that it's not a pure Orpington.
thank you ..I got this chick from a gal who bought fertile eggs from a breeder. I will check with her.
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So I'm thinking of separating my blue and blacks ( splash have there own area needs to be bigger I think) But how much room in a coop do you think they need. Id like to make one or two more tractor like coops. I'm thinking of 3-5 chickens in each with of course the runs. I know what Id really like and my husband would be a single man if I even told him what I wanted so I wont go there.
I know everyone will have different ideas and Id love to hear them all.

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