The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Hey Jermey was just reading your rant. I completely have to agree with u. I noticed this year that's auctions r popping up for imported Jubilee chicks and their eggs that r obviously half speckled Sussex. I don't know of a line of Jubilees that has been imported that u can breed together and get such poor quality birds. Im thinking these people found a deal on a Jubilee roo and seen dollar signs. I am working on a few projects but am keeping my Imported Orps pure. It makes me wonder also how many people r using pics of birds that r not even theirs to sell chicks and eggs. I feel sorry for the people that pay the imported price and end up with birds that r half at best. If there is a good thing then u will always have other people try to ruin it. I don't believe most these people r ignorant and believe they know exactly what they r doing. I wonder tho about the people that were lied too, being too ignorant to see the obvious difference in what they got and what the birds r suppose to look like and will continuing this horrible pattern. Too everyone that reads this if your Jubilees are blinding Orange and built like a New Hampshire Red then ding ding ding big red flag. I use the jubilees as an example cause that's what Im seeing the most of. Eventually maybe the word will get out and people will do their research b4 they buy and maybe look for quality. I will b working hard to build flocks of the best examples of imported orps in my breeding efforts and culling hard.

To the person that sent u that email........Do u know what an imported English Orp is as I think u have breeds confused? Hatchery Orps r something completely different and if u get those then u r getting what u paid for if not less then. Have this hatchery email u pictures of the actual birds these chicks r coming from and if they cant then u may as well go to tractor supply and buy u some hatchery astrolopes as I think u will find the quality to b the same and u will even save money. If they do send u pictures then keep in mind they r probably their best examples of the breed and Im sure Jeremy would b more then happy to do the same for u. Only then if u r seriously interested in having quality imported birds, then ask him for the price. If u find these birds look nothing alike then take a step back from contacting breeders and do some more research. I would be interested in knowing what hatchery is marketing these as pure imports for $6 a chick and would love to see pics of their adult stock. Something tells me u r not happy with their birds tho or u would have already jumped on the $6 a chick bargain and placed an order instead of sending serious breeders emails asking their prices.
verry well said i know one of these such " pepole " they call them poor boy jubilees i find it so upseting that i have to watch what i say
it makes me want to
As the old timers say use what you have available. That will take some time to remove the white as I had found out with the Ameraucanas.

I have seen this too on some of the imports. It is not the porcelain white, and it is a small amount (and I have seen it turn completely red when they are running around getting worked up). I too think it can be bred out, with selective breeding.

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