The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Isn't it just hilarious when they all want in the same nest at the same time?!! I love using those totes. I got the idea from someone on BYC. When we moved here from Iowa we used a ton of those totes, and I wondered what the heck I would ever do with them all. They work great! Especially easy to clean, and no wood for mites to burrow into, etc.
Tammy, I can't believe you lost Jasper! This has to be more then a coinsidence. I was figuring that Walter died of internal injuries from jumping off the roost and hitting a bucket or feeder or something. So Far my blacks are showing no signs of anything wrong. Right now I have 5 blue chicks three from Walter and 2 from the black roo. If I get more then one roo, which I'm sure I will I will let you have him. If I could only get some blue or black girls I could get more blue or black babies but all I'm getting are splash. I will have plenty of splash if you need one of those.
So so sorry!
Kathy - I know this is probably a stupid question, but I see that you have cut a hole in the side. Is the open end of the tote on the ground and the bottom end at the top? I have a bunch of empty totes and I need a couple more nesting boxes right now.
Joy, thought I would share what I was blessed with today.
They are a young group under a year other than one blue hen. I have already picked out a couple of favorites (really big girls) that I think will cross with Julie's boy very well.
What a great craigslist find.
*I just wish I took better pictures*



She has several other breeds and just didn't have the time or energy to continue to focus on all of them so she sacrificed her small flock of orps. They came to a good home though!
She has several other breeds and just didn't have the time or energy to continue to focus on all of them so she sacrificed her small flock of orps. They came to a good home though!

Well kudos to you!!! They are large fowl, right?

I really like that Splash girl. I want my girls to start laying so badly, so I can hopefully hatch a splash pullet, or two... or twenty of my own.

I think I like the Splash Orps enough to consider raising only a flock of them. The blues are beautiful too though...

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