The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

When selling eating eggs, we always refridgerate the eggs for a few days at a VERY cold temp. Should kill the embryos. You can also store the eating eggs upside down. This will damage the air cells.

nope, storing eggs upside down is a good idea if you want to preserve the air inside the egg eg if you want to leave it longer than 10 day or so before hatching.

Yes, I read about this method too. However, in my case, I usually just give away my eggs anyway, so it doesn't matter. I could care less if someone attempts to hatch any of my eggs. I am not into poultry for money or fame. Just a hobby for me. I RARELY ever sell eggs. I get enjoyment from birds. I don't show them, I simply enjoy them. If someone hatched some of my eating eggs, I would congratulate them. That's just me.
Once you go North - not only is the tea instant, but you can't get sweet tea. I was in New Jersey for a few days a few years ago and I almost died of thirst because their tea sucks and that is pretty much all I drink.

I went straight from the bottle to a sippy cup of iced tea! That is why my one kidney is shot!!!! It is a weakness of mine. Around here, it is Red Rose Tea or Lipton. My mom always had one pan cooling on the stove and two jugs in the fridge. And Kidney Stones, I've had more of them than I have fingers, toes, etc. The urologist suggeests that I never drink another cup of tea in my life. So, I try to limit myself to one glass a week. It truly hurts me, meaning I want it all the time.....

I buy my Stone Ground Cornmeal either at the State Fair every year (enough for the year, thank you FoodSaver) or stock up when we go to Tennessee. Now for grits
never cared for them. My father and my oldest son eat grits at least every other morning.

Did anyone else grow up on fried hominy?

I know I am off topic so I will add: I hatched out 5 jumbo black orpington chicks this morning along with some silkies, bantam orps, lf cochins, and leghorns. The orpington chicks are monsters compared to the rest:
Good afternoon! Great thread, GORGEOUS birds! I am making my way through all 493 pages! I am on the hunt for an English Orp roo. maybe 4-6 months old, and my most desired color would be blue or splash. I was just inquiring to see if any of you experts with English blood lines could maybe point me in the right direction? I know there are extra males out there, or ones that didnt make the cut for a breeding project, but would have been a close second! Thanks so much! I am on the new side still, and I am greatly appreciative for any advice and tips. I live in NH, and I will travel a bit if needed, (i think the heat is a shipping problem) OR I could even wait until more like September? Thanks again!!
NEW JERSEY!! Now that was the problem.. You didn't go far enough north... Way up here in NH>.. I have real honest to goodness brewed sweet ice tea in the frig
and I grew up eating grits
love them with butter, scrabbled eggs, and crispy bacon .. yummy. Mostly I just like them in a bowl with a spoon... lol My Mom.. loved hominy.... but I was never a fan.
I will have quite a few part english blue roo's, they will be three months at the end of July. So far all my roo's hatched out of this rooster have been very large. Let me know if you are interested.
hiya im from england and would be happy to send some orps over to you guys in return for some dun laced wyandottes there like gold mines in england there so hard to find

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