The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

So sorry to hear of the heat losses. You feel so helpless when dealing with mother nature. You try your best and still.... I know I have cried tears over just such situations.
So sorry!
I never understood how people could go so crazy over exercise yet avoid actual WORK! But indeed they do.

I'm so sorry for all your losses.
I think its turning into a kind of empty vain society ..the kids are so busy texting Im not sure how that generation will get much of anything done..they all run when you say hay but they are the first in line for a burger.
I don't see why you farmers don't band together and form a coop.. I am sure there is a way to get that hay cut and delivered to the needie. Either by trading..whatever it takes... I am sorry I came from a large family that had to make do ... A LOT... we sure didn't waste anything and we shared too. That hay could be trucked or put on a train. I am praying for you guys in any case.

Now back to English Orps. I put my Britts in the coop with my other English today. They are soo big.. lol Seem to fit right in with no big deal squabbles. Good thing.. they are all double banded with a zip tie holding the two bands together. Them boogers aren't coming off without my assistance. I did use the toe puncher... my chicks were older when I used it soo some of the holes closed back up and some didn't... no matter.. I have them banded well.
I think the key to using that toe puncher is to use it as soon as possible. Smaller chick... bigger hole it makes.

I will be doing weekly checks for leg band size. I nearly lost a foot on another chick because I used a Clear << zip tie... big mistake. I thought I had marked 5 chicks that I knew for a fact were 3/4 English... but could only find 4. I searched and searched... but some how I kept missing her. Well I finally found her.. it was nearly too late. I had to cut what band I could find sticking out of her skin to get it off of her. It was swollen, bled a little bit, and wasn't able to stand on it. I was felt sooo sick inside and soo mad at myself. She is making a miraculous recovery... Oh thank God. She is able to move toes.. and walk on it. She is going to be ok. Please let this be a lesson you learn about those zip ties from my mistake rather than experiencing it for yourself..
DON'T USE THE CLEAR ONES alone and write down Everything!
So sorry to hear about all the heat losses! I also lost 2 to heat earlier on, *saved another older girl with hosing for almost an hour*, and it seems like most days here all we're doing is dumping and refilling waterers and adding ice bottles to them. If I didn't have my son to help me out this summer, I'd be toast...literally!

I'm a chronic lurker on this thread, but appreciate greatly all the helpful info and how truly caring everyone is on here!
I have a trio from Joy, 3 girls from Julie's line via a dear friend, and 2 girls from Beth.
Trying to learn all I can about the English side of Orps since all I've ever had before was the American Orps<I adore them!> BCMs and Cuckoo Marans.
Well, I am losing my last lav orp cockeral, he can't walk now either. I have only one lav left, a pullet.
This is a sad time of the year for us all. I lost one nonfeathered shank Black Marans hen and one very nice one year old next to no comb wide bodied Black Orp hen. For now the only other losses are culls that I am getting rid. All are cockerels which I seem to be having a cockerel year. My big BOSS HOGG has decided it is too hot to breed. So I maybe doing some AI practicing with him and his girls.
Sorry for all who have suffered irreplaceable losses. I guess this is why I hatch every single egg to hope to have a quality replacement from those I have lost.
Kathy I am very sorry for you and Julie's death. I know that Julie is one that can not be replaced. She was one of those 1 in a 1000 type of birds. Hopefully you have a few of her babies to carry on the genetics from which she had to offer.
Oh Krista! I just can NOT believe the run you are having. A week or two ago I hatched a few black chicks out of lavender orps. Father is this black orp. You are welcome to them if you want. I won't be here long enough to do anything with them. I was just basically checking fertility. Well, they are fertile. I can find a home locally if you don't want to risk it. You have had SUCH a terrible time, I don't blame you. If you did want to risk it, when they get bigger, I could send you some of them, along with some mottled java x orp ones. I just feel so bad for you. Here's the daddy of the lav x babies. The mamas are just plain, average looking lav orps, not "greatly improved" or anything, just the samo stuff people were getting a year or two ago.

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