The Joys of Owning Imported Orpingtons

They are coming along pretty good. Glad to hear that she got to speak with the BON.

they turned her down!

she is taking a nurses aid course & will be finished on Dec 13th
we are going to look into other states where she can take the exam
these clowns said "your all set"
then they said Oooo sorry we screwed up "you can't test"
I agree! Sounds like the only sensible thing to do

i need to add a roof to my outside turkey pen (only has plastic on it rite now)
if i get 16' long rafters i can add a grow out pen rite next to it.
next year i can put my 8 week old pullets in it.......

everyone should have room for more chickens

Your rooster is beautiful. I have just started raising four roosters and four hens. It is my first time with the Orpingtons. I do not have any buffs. Will the rooters get along together? I have had them since chicks, and did not know the sexes. I have the birds in my backyard. I have not had chickens for a few years and missed them. So, I am glad I have them again. These birds are so beautiful.

You can have more then one rooster IF... you have enough girls to go around and IF they have enough space to call their own. I have way too many at the moment .. There have been a few tiffs going on with all this chilly weather.
You can have more then one rooster IF... you have enough girls to go around and IF they have enough space to call their own. I have way too many at the moment .. There have been a few tiffs going on with all this chilly weather.

if i was near by i would be glad to help you thin out some of those nice big boys

my wife took care of 3 that we had in the chicken tractor today(american buff orps)
tomorrow she is off so i think she said she will do 5 more.

will you be wanting muscovy ducklings come spring?
i'll hook you up
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Just took 12 week pictures of my little flock. Here's my Black English Orpington. She's a funny girl. Always one of the first to rush out of the coop to see me (from the safety of the run) but a the same time doesn't want to get too close (consequently a little hard to get pics of) She's also constantly moving!. But she talks quietly to me the whole time. She definitely has a lot to say!


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