The Kansas/Missouri Chat thread! Everyone Welcome.

I am just going to stain my coop. I have the left over stain from when I stained the fence and the deck. I am all about keeping this on the cheap. Although looking at the coop it looks like a Cadillac.

We finished ours last weekend, save for a little bit of hardware on the front window (using a stick to prop open the window at the moment) the roosts and the poop hammock. Most of which will be taken care of this up and coming weekend.

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We finished ours last weekend, save for a little bit of hardware on the front window (using a stick to prop open the window at the moment) the roosts and the poop hammock. Most of which will be taken care of this up and coming weekend.

Can you send pics of your poop hammock? That is an interesting idea. Thanks!
I will definitely photo-document the poop hammock. I will be sewing it up out of canvas(possibly denim, whichever is cheaper). I'll put eyelets on it to hang off of hooks or clips, and I am thinking filling with some stall dry will help keep things dry between scoopings.

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