The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

I have never seen a Rouen fly. Mallards look like small versions of Rouen's and mallards fly. I think Rouen's have the sweetest personalities and can be very friendly.
I have khaki ducklings now. Only three weeks old. They are skittish with me when I first come to their brooder but a few minutes later they come close and they make sure to let me know if they need more water or food or if they think its time for a swim in the bath tub. Just tooooo cute!
First trip down to the stream for my little fellas. They were VERY reluctant to get near it at first but after I threw a few in it was difficult to get them to leave.

They were working up a storm rooting around with their little bills, are they actually eating something in there or just having fun or drinking?

I'm going to fence in a little run over part of this stream for them whenever I can get a second person to come help. Once they're trained to come in at night I'll just let them roam, but if I'm going out of town for a few days I'd like to just be able to keep them fenced in with some food and this will provide access to water for them.

So guys, I have a couple questions about my awesome duckies, and you all seemed like the best people to ask. First off, does anyone have an actual pond their ducks hang out in? We have a real pond on our property and we'd like to let our little buddies go enjoy, swim in, play in, wash in, and eat in the pond, as they and our hens will be free range during the day. That said, the pond definitely has some leeches, I read that they will eat them. Is that going to be okay, or should we try to eliminate the leeches before letting them go play?
Also, about how old do the duckies need to be before their sex will be clear? Mine are about 6 weeks, maybe 7 (Got them at TSC and I think they were around 1 week old when we got them). Every time I think I know whether they're boys or girls I change my mind, and I am so anxious to know!

Yup...I do! When we first put our babies out there, they were scared of it for the first week at least. But, gradually, they got used to it and now they spend every waking moment in/around it!
Our ducks are a few months old now, I can now just barely make out a tail curl on one, and the other two have very loud quacks! lol So, pretty sure I have one male and two female....which is exactly what we wanted! Here are some older pics, I will have to post some more recent ones later...

I have some khakis that are about 7or 8 weeks old and one of them has a drooping wing that hasn't been this way before today. She pulls it up and it just sags back down again, like she just can't hold it up. It's not crooked or visibly broken that I can tell and I don't want to pull her wing out to look at it and hurt her if it is broken, so how can I tell if it's broken? Or is there something else that could be wrong? I should mention that nothing got ahold of her either bc I have them in a run with my chickens but she could've fallen off the ramp to the coop or something I suppose. Any input is appreciated!! I'd hate to have to take her to a vet. Lol
If you are sure the wing was not injured it might be diet related "Angel Wing – a non-life threatening condition in which the wing doesn’t lie flat against the body. Caused by overfeeding high protein food which causes the wing to grow too fast, angel wing can be reversed by switching to a lower protein feed, providing plenty of exercise and putting the wing in a sling." Just a thought...
I've sorted out the issue of dealing with the constantly poopy water. They seem to be very busy in the stream so I guess they're eating something there. After they've got the idea that this area is home I'll start letting them out to have full run of the property, but if I can get the girls to set up nest in this area (the box for preference) hunting down eggs will be much simpler when the time comes.

If you are sure the wing was not injured it might be diet related "Angel Wing – a non-life threatening condition in which the wing doesn’t lie flat against the body. Caused by overfeeding high protein food which causes the wing to grow too fast, angel wing can be reversed by switching to a lower protein feed, providing plenty of exercise and putting the wing in a sling." Just a thought...

Can angel wing happen over night?

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