The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

so here i like 3 months i should start getting eggs what kind of ducks do you have

How soon can depend on where you live too. The general rule is around 20 weeks, but we live in New England and ours didn't hit 20 weeks until the fall, and we didn't see eggs until late winter/early spring. We bought a couple more last spring and one of them started laying in November and has laid all winter long. They will also often stop laying in the winter. They are probably old enough that you will see some eggs this year, but don't be surprised if production drops off or stops completely within a few months.
If you found a penis, it is probably safe to say that those are males. If you didn't, it can be harder to tell at that age, you may have just not done it right, or it may be female. By around 4-5 months, it will be easy to identify sex. By then, the males should have their drake feathers and should at least be starting to get their adult coloring (they will look like brown Mallard ducks). If they stay the same brown color all over, then you know they are female.
I'm thinking somewhere around 3-5 weeks old. I can't see their tails, but they look close to the age when mine started showing those tiny feathers off the ends of their tales and that happened at about 4 weeks old, if memory serves me correctly.

Very cute KCs.
I agree. I have 3 that are 32 days old today. They looked just like the picture on Sunday and have since gotten pin feathers on their wings and have really started feathering nicely. And when I say they have gotten pin feathers, I mean like a hen gets coming in off of a molt. No playing around here, they are feathering very very fast.

So I have to go with 30 days old at the absolute most. Mine had feathers on their belly at 3 weeks to respond to the later post about the same.
I agree. I have 3 that are 32 days old today. They looked just like the picture on Sunday and have since gotten pin feathers on their wings and have really started feathering nicely. And when I say they have gotten pin feathers, I mean like a hen gets coming in off of a molt. No playing around here, they are feathering very very fast.

So I have to go with 30 days old at the absolute most. Mine had feathers on their belly at 3 weeks to respond to the later post about the same.

And also, if you look at the feet, they are still small. Those feet will increase by 1/3 of their current size in 1 week most likely. These things grow pretty fast even though they aren't meat birds. Mostly bone growth I guess.
Hello! I'm new, and I am just introducing myself to threads I think will be useful to me. I have 4 Khaki Campbells (soooo cute!) They're 2 1/2 weeks old, so I don't know exactly what their genders are. One's starting to develop a quack tone under the peep, so maybe a female? Sadly we'll have to rehome the less dominant gender (we have friends who have raised ducks so it'll be a good home) because we don't want fighting or more babies (I mean I would love more babies, but it's not a plan).

The smallest one is Runt (on the far right). He (or she) might have developed different? I dunno exactly, but he/she runs around the brooder with his/her siblings. The other three are Petrie, Littlefoot, and Duckie (Land Before Time!) But until I know who exactly is who yet. This picture was taken last week...I'm sure they've doubled in size since then!

I just moved them from the brooder in the picture to a heated coop outside. They're protected in our barn like garage. Lots of ventilation, and a bigger space for them...they're growing so fast!

The bathtub gang. I give them a few minutes a day to play in more water than their waterer. Runt is in the foreground on the pink basket.
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Hello! I'm new, and I am just introducing myself to threads I think will be useful to me. I have 4 Khaki Campbells (soooo cute!) They're 2 1/2 weeks old, so I don't know exactly what their genders are. One's starting to develop a quack tone under the peep, so maybe a female? Sadly we'll have to rehome the less dominant gender (we have friends who have raised ducks so it'll be a good home) because we don't want fighting or more babies (I mean I would love more babies, but it's not a plan). The smallest one is Runt (on the far right). He (or she) might have developed different? I dunno exactly, but he/she runs around the brooder with his/her siblings. The other three are Petrie, Littlefoot, and Duckie (Land Before Time!) But until I know who exactly is who yet. This picture was taken last week...I'm sure they've doubled in size since then! I just moved them from the brooder in the picture to a heated coop outside. They're protected in our barn like garage. Lots of ventilation, and a bigger space for them...they're growing so fast! The bathtub gang. I give them a few minutes a day to play in more water than their waterer. Runt is in the foreground on the pink basket.
Congratulations on your little feathered family!! Welcome to BYC, have fun around here and be prepared to show lots of pictures!!!

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