The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

I just got my first small flock of duckling from Tractor Supply yesterday! They were straight run which makes me nervous because I really don't want all of them to turn out to be male. Has anyone else bought ducklings from TSC, and if they were straight run, how many turned out to be drakes?
I have read some where on this duck site that The Bean on the beak is the clue.
Black on grey/black is a hen.
Light black on grey/pinkish is a drake.

I hope to see that some time. Let I know if you can see that.
well I just had to post this I have 2 KC both drakes they been together for 2 years now. Well I decided one had to go they were to hard on the girls. so I gave one with three of the girls to my neighbor he has a beautiful pond. So Saturday I went out and rounded them up no easy task. Drove them over there let them out they went right to the water never looked back. That late afternoon I went out to give every one there peas and had to do a double take that drake found his way home. I guess he is staying. the girls are still there. He missed his buddy. I have to go and tell my neighbor that I have the duck I have some eggs in the incubator I guess I will give him any males that hatch. I just had to tell this story He had to walk a distance you think he could here me or the geese to no what direc

tion to go?
Wow! How far did thelittle guy have to walk? Beautiful ducks! I have a suspected male and female pair, they are only 5 weeks old though and pretty scruffy looking right now.

My ickle babies second day in there new home i can't wait for them to start hanging out with the rest of the hens and me
What age is that good for?
Like someone else has posted, I have one that makes a little grunt sound between peeps sometimes, especially if I turn it on it's back or when it gets a little skittish- only a month old.  Does this mean anything?

Drakes have a grunt noise but don't put money on it yet... I am able to tell within 24 hours of hatching and through rest of the life... If u pm me son pics of your ducklings I can help u out :)
Hey all, thought I'd join the thread as I just picked up a few Khaki Campbells. I had Khaki's growing up and on/off with my chickens, but I've been wanting to get back into ducks full-time.

Here's 2 of my 3. The third likes to zoom around everywhere when it hears my voice, so it's not very photogenic

KJ6485 He had to walk through some woods and a field to my field the Kc i think are a very smart duck and they have such personality out of all my ducks I like that breed the best.

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