The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!


Thanks so much for all your great info. and consolidation of advice, Im sure most people around our village think I'm nuts when I launch into a 'duck rave'...the'vey already decided I I'm eccentric when often seen early morn. floating out through the mists here, still in my white nightgown with the khaki c's, pekins, geese, one cav.spaniel, boston terrier, a looong sausage dog and two cats following after ...good entertainment for passers by
Ive also embarrassed myself on Facebook with friends who are either part of my duckie/doggie/pusscat fan club or who openly shake their heads about my very different sensibilities since moving to the country its great to have a whole forum to here to share 'duck tails' :) I'm not going to confess (yet) this new connection!
Laughing now at you're having more pix of your ducks than your grand-kids! As for those egg numbers they'll be great for the restaurant and will make divine cakes...we do use the mussies eggs but I find the whites a little rubbery and the yolk overly rich, have to yet taste the KC's (I believe they are wonderful). I'll try and get a good shot of my mystery duck today and post. His feathers are scalloped and etched in dark brown pattern like the scales on a fish, all over and these bright green/teal wings beginning to form, hope I get a good shot. BTW KC's now three months old, so expect them to be laying, say another month? As for predators, we have big foxes, goannas (HUGE! when I first came to live here in 2005 saw one that was easily 8 ft long, Ive been looking over my shoulder ever since!) Also wedge-tail eagles that fall into the over-size category too ;-) Chicken hawks, wild dogs and venomous brown, black and tiger snakes. non-venomous pythons that love eggs, but its really the foxes that cause the most grief.

Till next post!

UR welcome! My Khakis starting laying at 18 weeks old. As for your predators, sounds like a formidable list that could delight in a duck meal any time of the day or night. I have seen documentaries about your venomous snakes - don't know if they are duck eaters but they sure look like something to be very wary of!
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Hi! First time on this thread.
I've been hatching out my very first batch of khaki campbells this weekend.

They did not want to hold still for photos, but they were very interested in the camera.

I've got 16 in the brooder, and four more eggs with no action in the incubator. Today is day 29.

So, I'll have extras if anyone is looking. (We decided to hatch a few extra eggs for the Easter season).
here are some pictures of our two khakis we just got today along with my mallards :) love them already! they khakis are 2 wks and VERY shy...poor things.

the khakis are only 4 days older than my mallards..


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