The Kitchen Table - come sit with us! new request added to post 1!

MoSo, you're still ahead of me. Taxes are on today's to-do list.

Boo, come one now, you can find it. Try!

Maple, are you still having the computer/pics issue? Oy vey!
Question 23: I can see the top of my desk... But it's not really a desk. It's the kitchen table, where all the computers hang out.
Well, yesterday I found my floors. I swept, then vacuumed, then mopped! That was so GD could crawl everywhere!
So, I suppose I could look for my desk. My problem is always, I don't know where to move the stuff to.
Junk up another area?

But, I did get my taxes in the mail last Monday!! I lollygagged and I'm getting a refund!
But that's cuz I'll need the money when I am not working during the summer, so I figure it'll get here just in time to make summer house payments!

Rain is on its way. Its gray outside, and a little cold, so chickies can't go outside. Well, maybe for an hour or so they can, but they'll just huddle after a few minutes.
Hey, I can see the table next to my bed again though!! And its a cool table, my son made it for me for my b-day couple years ago.
I try and find its picture and upload it. I also have to go ask what kind of wood it is again.
yes, a place to eat and gab goes without saying.

eta - that was in response to the kitchen table question. Boo, you are just too quick for me!

eta- and a place for computers, if you're in PK's house.
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This is when it was in the kitchen. It kept getting cluttered, so I moved it to my room so it would stay safe. It is mahogany with white oak inlay, I think he said that.

Yup, places to eat and gab are very nice, very nice indeed. Oh yeah, yesterday I read about diffrent dactylys! (I think it's the placement and ammount of fingers or toes we have) For example, we're petradactyly (I think) Which means we have 5 fingers. Monodactyly is for horses, chickens are anisodactyly, and parrots are zygodactyly (I think). Go Wikipedia!
Really nice, Boo! nice to see the dovetails set off so well with the different woods!

PK, don't forget our resident polydactyl, debiraymond.

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