the lav silkie that had head trauma thread UPDATED ALL BETTER


Off topic - Sorry - can't help it. I just took a look at your BYC page. You are a VERY impressive woman! It looks like you've done it all or at least could do it all if you had to. I admire woman who meet life head on rather than sitting back and saying "I can't do it, you're a big strong man, you do it." I LOVE men just as much as the next woman, but if I sat and waited for a man to do everything for me, I'd still be sitting on the Mayflower (so to speak). I guess some of doing it myself is due to the fact that I've lost mine, but it's not totally that. I've always been a doer. I'm 61 now (not THAT old) but old enough that it starts to tell, and women become invisible around the age of 55 or so, at least this one did, so I think I'm contentedly headed into my elder years - manless. But, I've got my animals and they are the joy of my life. I couldn't survive without them. So, anyway.........just had to say
I'm sure you're the reason this little guy has made it this far and continues to progress.
Hum, maybe this isn't that far off topic after all.

Oh, and by the way, you are gorgeous and your son is beautiful, or should I say handsom.
OMG thank you. I lost my hubby too so there was once a time where we did all the stuff together but after he passed I had to do both of our shares. It is very important that my ds learns that anything can be done, and how to be handy and use tools (even if not great) luckily I have some mechanic friends to show my son the ropes when the time comes, and I will have taught him the woodworking and household chores and fix-me-ups

I do have to update my page though as I have a lot of new birds now.... and all those chicks are now laying
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Oh, God. In some strange way there must be some kind of connection with this bird, you, me, my deceased. He also died very suddenly of a head trauma. He was building a horse barn, one that he had been planning for a long time. He fell, not that far, but onto the concrete and after an unsuccessful emergency air lift and neurosurgery he died. He was however, much older than your AJ, so in some ways your tragedy is somewhat more "painful"? I know we can't quantify things like this, but yours seems so sad and painful to have happened at such a young age and to have missed his son's raising. It makes me cry. I'm so sorry for you. Your little roo and his head trauma feels more connected in this now, somehow.
I don't have the time just this moment to read the whole story about the medical issues, but I'm VERY interested in that. I'm extremely into the reform end of things so - "YOU GO GIRL." I wish I had some money to throw that way. I'd do something, however I am on disability. (Long story) Must get going now. Hang in, it's obvious you have an indomitable spirit.
I know Silkies are very docile, so they may be totally different, but if it were me (I have cochins and even they are pretty laid back), I'd be kind of careful about that. I just have an uneasy feeling about it. More for the poor little youngster than for him. I'm just a little afraid that he may feel so vulnerable that without even asking questions he might strike out in defense. I may be WAY off base here. I hope so. You know him better than I do. Just be very careful those first few minutes.

Boy not one of my silkies. He was very skiddish when I first got him now he's Satan in feathers. He doesn't hurt me but he just won't leave the others alone. My white one is such a sweetheart and he goes after him like he just murdered his family.

The white one will come to me when he sees another chicken come his way because he won't fight or protect himself. He knows I will. The one that turned into Satan looks just like the one for this post. They could be twins except for the disability.
He is really doing good now and is almost compleatly off the steroids (I reduced it very slowly) He also does not have any air trapped in him so I guess that air sack finally healed as well. And he is able to WALK a bit fowards!!!!!!

I really need to name him, any suggestions?
What a fantastic update!

I am so happy to hear each and every piece of the news.

Who would ever have thought this could happen back at the beginning of October.
Congratulations kiddo. You did good.
expensive! thats a good name LOL... no how about "forest" like forest gump because of his leg issues? or gucci-or coach? :)
There was a movie several years ago - probably more like a TV miniseries - with Elizabeth Montgomery and Hal Holbrook. She had a baby after everyone told her it was too dangerous. She named her son "Chancy," because she took a chance on him...and it paid off!

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