The Legbar Thread!

Oooh I so upset! Somebody stole one of my Legbar chick pictures to list on their ebay action. And the only place I have posted that picture is on BYC.
My Isbar pictures, including the document I made in Pages with my description, was stolen by a BYC member and put up on her Facebook page! BYC wouldn't address the problem because I couldn't prove she stole the pictures here because they are also on my website and my eBay auctions. Plus she didn't post them here. So I sought out an intellectual property lawyer and drafted the following message to her. Feel free to use it.

This is to advise you that you are using copyrighted and protected material on your Facebook page. Your illegal use of my photographs of my Isbar chickens on your Facebook wall are originally from my website, eBay auction listings, and BYC auction listings. This is original content and I am the author and copyright holder. Use of copyright protected material without permission is illegal under copyright laws. Facebook has been advised of the unauthorized use of my intellectual property on their website.

Please take one of the following actions immediately:

1.) Remove the plagiarized material immediately from your Facebook page and re-write the post to credit the pictures to me as author and to my website

2.) Provide compensation for your use of my copyrighted material of $2,000.00 USD paid via bank cashier’s check.

I expect a response to this issue within 5 days. Should you not comply or convert my copyrighted property for your own use in the future you will be served with a cease and desist order. You will be responsible all of the associated legal costs.

Mary O’Brien

Update: I noticed that you have removed my photographs from your Facebook page. That in no way excuses your obligation to do one of the two options listed above. Please understand that the moment the use of my pictures was brought to my attention, I took a screenshot of the illegal posting of my property.
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Quote: Thanks Mary! I hope that was a blanket "feel free to use it".

A couple of years ago, I sold eight frogs to a guy in Florida. He went on and on about how excited he was to be working with these rare frogs. They were the frog equivalent of CL. They had only recently been legally imported to the US and I was one of the first to have luck with breeding them. I gave him a break on price since he bought a large group.

Within two months he was reselling them as sexed pairs for an inflated price. There was no mention made they came from me and he used my original photos in his sale ads.

In the dart frog world, those people are referred to as "flippers" and frowned upon. It can ruin your reputation. Anyway, it irritated me when he used my own photos to redistribute my frogs. I like to keep track of where the animals I produce settle.

Are frogs addictive like chickens? Those are some neat looking frogs by the way!
OMG yes. Anytime someone asks................"should I get the azureus or the auratus?" (or whatever), the response from everyone is get them both, you'll end up doing it anyway. I have 60+ vivariums. My DH gave up half his workshop so the frogs would have their own temperature controlled room. It's the most comfortable place around here, 75* year round. We had the room insulated, sheetrocked, painted, extra electrical, plumbed, etc. When I get into a hobby, I jump with both feet.

Probably why I have 12 coop/runs with another group planned and 200+ chickens. I've had three incubators running non-stop since December,

I know, I'm a bit OCD...............maybe I need the Obesessive Chicken Disorder shirt...

And thanks about the frogs, benedicta are truly beautiful. The full grown frog is about 3/4 of an inch long.

OMG yes. Anytime someone asks................"should I get the azureus or the auratus?" (or whatever), the response from everyone is get them both, you'll end up doing it anyway. I have 60+ vivariums. My DH gave up half his workshop so the frogs would have their own temperature controlled room. It's the most comfortable place around here, 75* year round. We had the room insulated, sheetrocked, painted, extra electrical, plumbed, etc. When I get into a hobby, I jump with both feet.

Probably why I have 12 coop/runs with another group planned and 200+ chickens. I've had three incubators running non-stop since December,

I know, I'm a bit OCD...............maybe I need the Obesessive Chicken Disorder shirt...

And thanks about the frogs, benedicta are truly beautiful. The full grown frog is about 3/4 of an inch long.

I am impressed!
Naw, I just don't know how to do anything halfway or take things slowly. I also look at my age, I can't get into something a little at a time. I'm not that far away from the age where people cut back. I think at that point I'll just decide what breeds I really want to concentrate on and cut back that way. Right now they are just, "ooh, I love that one................look a chicken"! Since adding the poultry hobby, I've decided what frogs I really want and which species I can sell off. Before I was just collecting every species that appealed to me, now I know which ones I truly enjoy. My collection at the moment is larger than any zoo or aquarium.

I wasn't counting the growout pens and brooders, LOL.

Heaven help me if I get sick or something, everyone still wants to eat and be watered no matter how you're feeling. Right now DH is out of state for a week and I have to do all the chores myself, including his sheep, alpaca and the dogs.

I need an icon for taking a nap..............

My Isbar pictures, including the document I made in Pages with my description, was stolen by a BYC member and put up on her Facebook page! BYC wouldn't address the problem because I couldn't prove she stole the pictures here because they are also on my website and my eBay auctions. Plus she didn't post them here. So I sought out an intellectual property lawyer and drafted the following message to her. Feel free to use it.

This is to advise you that you are using copyrighted and protected material on your Facebook page. Your illegal use of my photographs of my Isbar chickens on your Facebook wall are originally from my website, eBay auction listings, and BYC auction listings. This is original content and I am the author and copyright holder. Use of copyright protected material without permission is illegal under copyright laws. Facebook has been advised of the unauthorized use of my intellectual property on their website.

Please take one of the following actions immediately:

1.) Remove the plagiarized material immediately from your Facebook page and re-write the post to credit the pictures to me as author and to my website

2.) Provide compensation for your use of my copyrighted material of $2,000.00 USD paid via bank cashier’s check.

I expect a response to this issue within 5 days. Should you not comply or convert my copyrighted property for your own use in the future you will be served with a cease and desist order. You will be responsible all of the associated legal costs.

Mary O’Brien

Update: I noticed that you have removed my photographs from your Facebook page. That in no way excuses your obligation to do one of the two options listed above. Please understand that the moment the use of my pictures was brought to my attention, I took a screenshot of the illegal posting of my property.

This is exactly what needs to be done. I used to explain to people that the images were my unique work, protected by copyright, etc etc etc. All this did was generate long email debates where they explained that since the images were online they saw no problem with using them, blah blah blah. These sorts of discussion take up a lot of time and rarely produce results. Eventually I had enough being nice.

Now, I too send an invoice with a marked up price due to the unauthorized use - which is standard practice for professional photographers. And I watermark my images. This stops 95% of the problems as most of these people are lazy but some less then ethical people have cropped the watermark off. . .


PS I'm surprised that BYC did not help. They don't have to but legally it doesn't matter where the images were taken from. A cease and desist letter from your attorney would get their attention - sad that again that is what it takes.
At what age would you put pullets in with a laying flock? I have 3 3.5 month old Legbar hens. One has a red comb and wattles going on, though they aren't full grown yet. They are slated to go into my laying Legbar pen but is 3.5 months old too young?

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