The Legbar Thread!

I have been having low hatch rate on my Cream Legbars
I have nine laying Hens, I'm getting plenty of babies, but not as many a I should... Lots of late's everyone else doing?
Any suggestion? My Hens have been laying for two to three months. Maybe they are still alittle to young..I'm not having issues with any of the other eggs in the incubator...

I think there are lot of things that cause late quitters.

People are always quick to blame the incubator and go buy a more expensive one, but in my hatching I think that the health of the parent stock and handling of the eggs are the biggest factors in whether I have a good hatch rate or not.

I recently found some interesting information:

1) Overly larger eggs tend to have lower hatch rates. The theory on that is that the yolk size tends to not increase so you have a higher white to yolk ratio. I did find that my 50 gram egg CLB hen had about a 10% higher hatch rate than my 60 gram egg hen (that was before I even found this information too),

2) The same source also said better layers tend to have a higher hatch rate too. I can't remember the reasons for that. My 50 gram hen was a better layer, but not by much they both would go about 3 weeks between missing days. The 60 gm egg hen went brood twice though.

I don't think that the age of your hens has anything to do with this. The really small pullet eggs only last for about the first week or two so if your ladies have been laying for 2-3 months that wouldn't be the problem.

I am not very good at nutrition or diets for chickens. I have tried different diets a few times to see how it effected the quality of their plumage, production, and egg hatchability. I don't know if anything I have tried has been a move in the right or wrong direction though. If you find good information on booster nutrition for hatchability you might try changing that to see if more of those that are dying between day 15-19 can make it too the end.

Misaligned air sack in the egg can be from heredity. That is one cause of losses the last days. They say that not helping chicks out of the shell is one way to naturally select for more hatchable eggs becuase gives a dissadvantage to those producing off center air sacks.
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Thank you for your input :)
I have a great incubator... My flock is very healthy.. I will play with the diet alittle and just keep on incubating. :) I am getting plenty of babies. I was just hoping to get my hatch rate up alittle higher before I offer eggs to anyone. ;)
Thank you for your input

I have a great incubator... My flock is very healthy.. I will play with the diet alittle and just keep on incubating.
I am getting plenty of babies. I was just hoping to get my hatch rate up alittle higher before I offer eggs to anyone.

I noticed the same thing with my SFHs. happened for a few hatches and now the rates are back up to what I consider normal. hopefully that will happen for you as well. my CLs have been hatching awesome. I'm so thankful! But, I remember thinking the exact thing with the SFHs and I was trying to figure out what I could do. Well, because life happens, i did nothing and it just improved so who knows! :)
I noticed the same thing with my SFHs. happened for a few hatches and now the rates are back up to what I consider normal.  hopefully that will happen for you as well. my CLs have been hatching awesome. I'm so thankful!  But, I remember thinking the exact thing with the SFHs and I was trying to figure out what I could do.  Well, because life happens, i did nothing and it just improved so who knows! :)

Thanks for the reply... That's kind of what I was going to do, just let it sort itself out. It's not like I need more chickens.... I'm out of control as it is. I'm happy to here you are hatching so many different rare breeds... Exciting! I need to finish getting some more breeding coops together so I can hatch more pure breeds. :) I have the jubilees in place, now just waiting some time to be sure they are pure. My next breeding coop will be for the Isbars...
I've been struggling with one of my hen's hatches, too, we had two Ameraucana hens, lost one, and the remaining one we get one chick for every 7 or 8 eggs I incubate, they usually are all still moving at lockdown but never hatch. :( Most have absorbed yolk but never internal pip. I have no idea what's going on. I have a big batch of eggs from our other hens going into lockdown next week, if they all hatch out fine I'm guessing their diet is OK. Sad thing is we have people WAITING for Ameraucana chicks and to lose so many at the end is frustrating! Her eggs are rather large, and the few chicks I am getting are quite small especially for the size of eggs. Puzzling to me. Now she has stopped laying. The other Ameraucana stopped laying too right before she dropped dead off the roost one night. I sure hope we don't lose this one... hoping it is moulting or SOMETHING else.

Oh No! There is something wrong with my rooster Norbert. He doesn't seem to able to lift his head. I noticed yesterday that he was moving slowly so I caught him today and was trying to check his crop when I felt his neck. He wasn't moving as I held him and just closed his eyes. We are so upset.
Home from the vet with Norbert. He had no fever, she couldn't feel any tumours or any thing stuck in his crop. We are treating him for sour crop with chlorhexidine in his water and some antibiotics. I just scrubbed out all the other water containers. It is so nice to live close to a Poultry vet. He ate last night and was looking interested in food when we got home too.
I think several people have.
I have 4 wheaten ameraucanas x cl roo. The mothers were really nice SQ hens, and these are some very nice looking birds and all are very similar. They are buff in colour, have beards and muffs. One has a crest. The combs are very similar to the ameraucana combs, with the center row a little more prominent. They are Super friendly. They must be near to layng now, BUT I still do not know the sexes. They could be all girls. I can't wait to see the eggs. They should be very blue.
Sympathy to those of you who have lost birds....and also for the lower hatch rates. Hope that will level out to normal.

Here's hoping that Norbert is a picture of health in a few days and feeling like himself. BTW my chick that lost the wing is doing O.K. -- I wonder how her life will turn out.

Welcome to the thread to all the newly minted cream legbar owners. They are fabulous birds!

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