The Legbar Thread!

were these two from my eggs

Indeed they are! They are growing nicely. Beatrix is growing a little faster but is smaller and will lay before Agatha is ready. They are pretty funny--quiet yet and startle easily--running in a panic if you try to pick them up. But if you sit down they will come over an hop up next to you and are happy to be held. I can't wait until they get their final feathers in. I keep thinking I'll get teenager pictures but its always getting dark by the time I remember.
So here is Beatrix, She is more gold/or at least has less black than her sister. She is slightly smaller with a pinker face, more advanced comb and is starting that teenager peep-peep-cluck-peep vocal.

Here they are side by side--Agatha (right) is very hot so her tail is down and wings down, this is not typical and she is usually more like Beatrix's stance on the left.

And here is Agatha from the front. She has more black on her head, neck and hackles than Beatrix and some black down her breast although not as much as the one you (Steen) had showed a picture of before of a (sister?) pullet. Its interesting because even though she is darker and has the black, she at the same time is less gold although not quite enough to call her cream.

So darker and paler at the same time which seems like an oxymoron. Could this be an Example of dark vs light barring, or something else going on?

Although they are not ideal with a lack of crest and light golden color, I think that they have a nice body-type and am happy with them. It will be interesting to see what they look like in 6 months.
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Hi dretd! Thank you for sharing your beautiful girls. They could possibly have the two different types of barring, but I'm used to seeing an even more drastic difference. My light girls are light in the neck and hackles and more light grey in the body than the darker girls. I'll see if I can take a pic tomorrow.
Please help me sex these Legbars!!! My first ones and I hatched them today!

The first I am assuming hatched as a White Legbar? I was told that was a possibility. It looks way yellow in the up close pics but it's actual color is the light tan in the pic of the Cream Legabar. :)

Here's the other one with the top of the back of the yellowy looking one above

And a side shot of the Cream Legbar. Gooey sticky stuff on the other chick in the pic.

Not sure if they aren't fluffed enough for you to see. Thanks for your help!
I'm not sure I see a definite V on the white's head... but it is still a little damp. Here's a white female of mine for comparison, maybe you can tell on yours now that it is dry. The other one is 100% girl. :) Congrats!

The white seems to have a V on top but I'll wait a day or two so she can really fluff out. Thanks for your help! I can only have girls so if they both are, I will be very happy.

I recently got two Legbars from Greenfire. My friend got a hen and roo also. The rooster look like roosters but BOTH hens look like this. Are these from the new lines? My other legbars are from the old lines and do not look like this. Does anyone else have Legbars who look like this? I sent these pixs to Greenfire on the hens but have not heard back from them.

I recently got two Legbars from Greenfire. My friend got a hen and roo also. The rooster look like roosters but BOTH hens look like this. Are these from the new lines? My other legbars are from the old lines and do not look like this. Does anyone else have Legbars who look like this? I sent these pixs to Greenfire on the hens but have not heard back from them.

Oh goodness. Your babies are beautiful but they are not Legbars. I'm checking give me a sec...yup I am almost 100% certain you have two Swedish Flower hens.
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Here are the other Legbars hens that I have. They are to the left of her. I have three pullets that are four months old. I also have other chicks that range from just under one month to two months old. I await the reply from Greenfire on what Amelia really is.....

Just to clarify...I got a hen and roo.....the Roo is a legbar but the hen (Amelia) is an alleged Legbar. My friend go the other hen which looks like my hen
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