The Legbar Thread!

Has anybody noticed if they still get incorrect wing feather color coming in the roos after the sickle feathers start to grow. or is color in the wings done coming in by the time the sickles start to grow.
Has anybody noticed if they still get incorrect wing feather color coming in the roos after the sickle feathers start to grow. or is color in the wings done coming in by the time the sickles start to grow.

Its still too early to tell for me--mine is just coming up on 5 weeks.

By incorrect wing color, what color are you seeing? Is it a solid color or off-type or ?
  1. Is this pretty pullet one of the ones you got from Phage?

Yes! They are about 15 weeks now. They've been healthy, active, and pretty quiet - just perfect for a first-time suburban chicken owner. Color-wise, I think they are on the dark side - (red enhanced?) and I can't really tell if they have light gold or dark cream hackles. It really depends on the lighting. I don't see any definite yellow/gold color, but they are definitely not a silvery cream.

Anyways, I'm not breeding them, just hoping for some nice blue eggs in a couple of months! Love looking at and learning about this great breed.
My friends broody has hatched some CLB's out today, so far there is one with a white spot so a boy and the other has a stripe and spot, boy or girl?
My friends broody has hatched some CLB's out today, so far there is one with a white spot so a boy and the other has a stripe and spot, boy or girl?
females can have spots (per the SOP) but they would be really tiny, more 'defined'. If it has the chipmunk stripe it's a girl.

Went out and looked at my 4 oldest boys. 3 look promising for color but one has redder saddle and small smudges on his shoulders coming out so he's a goner for sure. They all have HUGE crests so I'm not feeling good about their combs. I have 2 really NICE cream girls in that bunch also. The others are still a bit young to tell with the boys but it looks like I'll have some really nice light creams and some with more red and darker cream and some more gold ones from when the pens were mixed. I'm hoping to find out who's throwing the whites (I have 1 male and 2 female chicks so far) but may need to do some switching up in the future within the pens for that. My gold girls so far only produce gold chicks from what I see in the brooder. Given all my recent incubations I will have a lot of culling to do with the number of birds I hatched, especially since I'm looking forward to seeing what the split pens throw in the fall. Learning so much but still so much just boggles my mind. Has anyone processed their birds? What age and size is best and how much do they weight when dressed out? I've done my Marans myself and both skinned and de-feathered so which method would be best. I may pay to have them done if the numbers are too big in the end.
New line pullet just laid her first egg so everyone's on line now.
My friends broody has hatched some CLB's out today, so far there is one with a white spot so a boy and the other has a stripe and spot, boy or girl?

Not sure if this helps you. These were two females I hatched out several months ago. They both had distinct light (cream-colored) head spots clearly within the border of the brown "V" on top the their heads.
This week I shipped my first set of eggs to GA to someone who waited for my whole testing fiasco to be done with. Very grateful for his patience and that he persevered with me through this. All 19 eggs made it there safely (sent a 'few' extras). Now just hoping he has a good hatch.
Nice...I am hoping he gets a good hatch too and am glad to see you are back to hatching. With your fire and now culling for bio-security you have had quite a few set back and have been able to stick though it all.

I too have December 2011/January 2012 birds (is it when the egg was laid, when the egg was set, or when the egg hatches :). I was happy to get the older stock because I was able to see what traits in the US gene pool were coming from which GFF flock.

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