The Magical Re-Appearing Hen


7 Years
Feb 27, 2014
I have a small flock of hens who free-range in my well-fenced yard during the day, with occasional excursions into the barn and paddocks for bugs. I've got three RIRs and one Black Australorp. I had a Buff Orpington, about one year old, disappear about a month ago. Just didn't show up at the coop one night.

And then four days ago she turned up in the yard, healthy, well-fed, glossy, and ... ummm... independent, shall we say? refused to coop at night, was putting herself to bed in the barn and laying her eggs in a straw bed she made there. And looking closely at the eggs we've been gathering, I think she was there all the time, just hiding for whatever strange chicken reason.

In the meantime I have two more coming along, a pair of Easter Egger pullets. They are pretty good-sized but their voices haven't changed yet, and I've been keeping them in a small coop by themselves rather than mixing with the older girls. Today was the first day I let them roam around in the grass for about half an hour, and as chance would have it, the BO popped into their run to see if there was anything nice in there. So we shut her in.

I'm thinking that I will keep her shut in (the run is a nice size) and see if I can retrain her to coop at night. The youngsters are a bit astonished but seem to think it's ok. I will, however, bow to greater experience than I have if there's a good reason not to keep her up until she remembers where she lives. Ideas and thoughts?
Yes. Disappearing hen: I have one and she is broody. Eggs or no eggs. Matters not. And there is no roo. She has never met a roo.

She completely disappeared last summer for a week until I found her in a ground level nest, nicely hidden on top of a dozen eggs (she had barely started laying, was a baby). There was an extensive daily search for her remains...:eek:

Like on and off all this spring she has been broody. She is currently in broody jail. She was out and about all morning and gave herself a nice dustbath. I kinda hate to shut her in the crate but she won't break. After I let her out in the morning, if she gets in the nest box I drag her out and crate her. She is quite docile. And she is my favorite hen of course. :loveGrrr.
I know, if I needed a broody I wouldn't have one.:bun

I learned from wiser ones here than me that I needed to break her for her health...they can get out of condition and weak and even (nearly?) starve.
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Possibly. Of course, we kept collecting the eggs, so she didn't have a lot to go on with. And no rooster so no external stimulus.

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