The Marans Hatch-O-Holics April Hatch Along!

Out of 14 shipped eggs (they are all french black copper marans), 7 of them hatched yesterday and today (very early morning)!!!!!
50% hatch rate is not bad for shipped eggs and I am a very newbie.
I will move them to brooder tonight, I will take many pics!! (They are still in bator)
I'm done for this hatch, but I am going to clean out the bator and start all over again!


...and ended with this:

Black Copper:

Black Copper:

Black Copper:

Blue Copper:

Blue Copper:

Blue Copper:
How's everyone else doing? I'm on day 14 now and have 10/16 of Wynette's eggs fertile, with one of them now ready to cull. Had a blood ring a while ago but now I'm certain it is dead and not going anywhere.

Can't wait to hatch and sort these little'uns!

PS. - The really really dark one in that photo of mine on the first page was a goner. It also had a small crack in it. . . And now serves as a beautiful preserved egg shell, also in my avatar.

Total bummer on that very pretty dark egg! I was hoping to see the chick that came out of that particular egg. DARN IT ANYWAY!

for the rest of those pretty little eggs!

I set on the 1st and haven't checked any of the eggs and probably won't. I'll just wait and see who hatches. I love the suspense and hate the dissapointment, but that's how I'm rollin' this time around.
I set 11 BCMs yesterday along with 12 blue andalusians and some of my ameraucanas and mixed breeds.
Here's the marans eggs I put in. The light ones are my BO eggs.
I have 48 cuckoo marans eggs in the bator due to hatch the 18th, 24th and 30th of April. I also have 48 red silkie and 36 ameraucana/EE eggs in there too, and I still have 1 empty tray in the bator that I will fill this coming week.

I have a blue silkie hatching some chicks right now! I hope to have 7 fuzzy butts there tomorrow when I go out to the coop.

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