The Middle Tennessee Thread

I have learned how to take a bath and wash my mid back length hair in ONE gallon of water. Eco people I am one with the planet. Can't wait to climb in a jacuzzi and not come out until I look like a raisin. I guess there goes my being green. LOL

My parent's place and my grandmother's touch my landlord's. The horse and goats are within sight of the house but on Dad's property. If we had water over there I would have done moved. Dad gave me 10 acres but dry holes are all we have found as well.
Well if your animals are cool, then tell the landlord to go (insert your own expletive) themself, and find ya'll a place with water. I'd give the landlord the good ol' hard push to get it done. If ya'll have been there for a good while and you pay on time, he won't want to lose you as tenants. He'll be scared of what he might get, and what he might have to fix that ya'll just deal with. You have some bargaining chips I bet.
He is pretty! And thank you for all my roos sitting and my roo!
They seem very happy! Think I am going to try your meat bird as a project too!

Thank you too Becky!!!
They are gorgeous!!!!
I too have many options and can't wait to play what is in the eggs???

How old do the roos need to be before I can give them girls for egg projects? My chicken EMPIRE is complete
I think
He is pretty! And thank you for all my roos sitting and my roo!
They seem very happy! Think I am going to try your meat bird as a project too!

Thank you too Becky!!!
They are gorgeous!!!!
I too have many options and can't wait to play what is in the eggs???

How old do the roos need to be before I can give them girls for egg projects? My chicken EMPIRE is complete
I think

Now there's some good ol' chicken enthusiasm! Think I counted 9 different smileys!

on a sidenote, my grandfather who passed away willed me a "light", and no one knows what he meant. But after going to his visitation and seeing all the lives he touched and what a difference he made, I think he might have already given me that light.
I love that last line of your post. But you know that the chicken EMPIRE is never complete...they just keep laying, I have to know what is inside, they just keep laying, have to buy another incubator...etc...etc... Oops I think I started talking about myself.

To all:
He drilled another well yesterday and got 200 feet of NADA.. brought out a water witch and will be drilling in another place today. The landlord was sitting and drinking a lot while looking at a dry hole. He is really trying but just won't listen to anybody. Experienced people that have lived in this area for eons tried talking to him about his well placement options. He told them he knew where water was and that was it. It is just so much money. Yesterday was $2600 for nothing.

We have lived here for 4 years and I am never late to pay my rent. Sometimes they are late on coming to get it out of the box we use, but is always there. They are trying to sell the property but are asking a ridiculous amount for it and in this economy....I just don't think it is going to happen. Selling is part of the divorce. We have a lot of issues with the house that we correct most of the time. I don't think they will have luck renting something that is part of a large piece of property that is up for sale. You wouldn't be able to do a lease.
Tish- I appreciate the offer. Underwater rain dances would be helpful. Just let me get my camera before you try it so I have something to go viral on YouTube....

Nothing anyone can do. Just appreciate someplace I can complain and not further stress anybody here at the "scene".

Ya'll are really a bunch of very sweet people.
. Just received my chick order and received four dead chicks, one survivor.
. I'm so heartbroken and disgusted that by ordering them, I inadvertently caused their death.

So now my worry is that I have One baby chick and I know they don't do well by themselves. Does anyone have any newly hatched Easter Eggers or ameraucnas??? I ordered so I could get sexed chicks, but am desperate enough to roll the dice so my baby doesn't have to grow up alone.
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Emmalynn sorry about your water. I feel your pain. I have been there a time or two myself. Now we have no water at the farm and have to drag water from my son's house or the creek for the chickens. We collect our rain water for toilet and hand washing but that has run out between rains a few times then it is back to the creek with a 55 gal barrel and many 5 gal buckets.

As far as the EMPIRE goes maybe I should have said the foundation of my chicken EMPIRE. Soon on to the incubator trials and maybe next year broodies too!!! Just have to sit down to plan my pairings. How long should I leave the girls in with the boys? I was thinking a month may not be too bad on the girls and should give me plenty of eggs

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