The Middle Tennessee Thread

does anyone close to nashville have a speckled sussex roo to part with? I've got two hens that should start laying anytime... and they're beautiful. Their roo came up missing a couple weeks ago. I'm so mad at myself for not having the three of them contained.

I'd love to find one that's matured.
Yes, I was at the sale too but out in the truck at that time because we had the chickens in there and i was having all the windows wide open so they could get air. Sorry I missed you. I am very proud of him. He has grown up to be a fine young man
Ummm yeah my MIL called yesterday at 7am and told me they were leaving KY to come to my house. Yeah 7 hrs notice and I have 3 brooders in the house in the spare bedroom. Oh well.
Lori I will get you pics when they leave and I decide which one I am going to keep.

I hope everyone is managing to stay cool it is so hot out there I can't even stay out to avoid MIL.
In the pool it's hot out there

Went this morning and bought 8 RIR hens and a roo for them.Boring I know but basic chicken language
Well my trip to Becky's was as fun as always last night...BUT I have a roo I didn't plan to have and boy is he perrttty everyone that knows me knows I like a little unusual so he caught my eye right away and came home...He's a blue with some cuckoo hackles and saddle feathers oh boy do I have some plans for this boy
I was trying to cut back on projects colors and pens
CityGirl- are you in the pool

Raven1- you know what Holly likes and you know you trotted that roo out just so you could see if it would go home with her. shame on you. HAHAHA

Tisa- no problem on waiting for pictures. My life is always a big ball of chaos so I have plenty going on to keep me sidetracked from your gorgeous birds. Hopefully the stay will be smooth and mercifully short. Best wishes.

Okay I am not one to #itch and complain...BUT...we have been having water troubles since the last week of May. We rent the property and water is part of the deal. We conserved thinking it is getting hot and dry must be too much for the well. Water got less and less. Talked to the landlord. Pulled the pump. Well part of it was broken- fixed that. Great! Went to put the pump back in and the wall of the well caved in. Thus we ended up with hit and miss water because we lost 200 feet of reservior.
They came out and drilled 180 feet yesterday. Pulled the drill equipment, didn't blow the well and left. Landlord tried to reinsert the pump and the well caved in. Bear in mind that for every foot up to 300 feet is $13 and after 300 feet it goes to $13.50 per foot. Well called the people back- state that kinda felt something when they pulled the pipe...duh...and didn't blow the well. Two options- case the well we have for an additional $3200 or drill somewhere else. As it is not my money I did not give my opinion. Not my money, not my messed up relationship that has to be dealt with thru this mess. ( THEY JUST WENT THRU A VERY UGLY DIVORCE AND UNTIL THE PROPERTY SELLS- THEY ARE STUCK WITH EACH OTHER ESPECIALLY IN REGARDS TO THE RENTAL PROPERTY) They drilled 200 more feet in a different spot today. $2600...NO WATER. We are taking showers in heated water and a five gallon bucket. Clothes to laundry mat. Hauling water for animals, cooking, toilets, cleaning, etc. They had a water witch come out and will be setting up to do it all again tomorrow. This makes 9 weeks with no water. I have been paying rent. They did cut me a break of $200 for having to pay for laundry etc. I think I have been overly generous but I am starting to get ready to move and I am not paying anymore rent for a place without water.

Do ya'll think I am in need of some happy medicine or that I am justified in being more than perturbed
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I think you deserve some happy medicine and you are more than justified for being perturbed. If your really happy with the land your on, I might consider waiting to see what happens, but if you don't like your lot, and the landlord ain't really working with you... see what your options are. BUT, with the horse and all the chickens as well as what ever else you have, it might be better to try and wait for a good resolution from the landlord. I'd be plenty mad too, but sometimes you have to consider so many outside factors. If all else fails call the news, then you get to stay there and make the landlord look bad all in one punch.
I hope that works out for you. Wish I could help!
Oh I feel your pain..when we drilled the drill broke..sat for 2 weeks in my pasture after they promised for 6 weeks they would be out tomorrow..then 200' later they hit SALT water yeah try having that problem.So,we ended up having to hire a different person..lets just say the length of time the first one took they were not going to do another for us.The second we hit at almost 200'.But it was double bills and permits no water for months.Across the road and the house beside me were never able to drill water just rock and bills.
Now my place was free...I would not be paying without water I know how much of a pia it is living through it.I would be discussing it with them and they would have to hope I wasn't hot tired and stinking at the time

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