The Middle Tennessee Thread

I might write you one if you shot me a good price
I have some ideas and some material just need the "man" power, my husband has been working 7 days a week since Jan.
Hello Everyone, haven't posted in a while....hope everyone is well....welcome to the new members.....I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get some show quality or very good quality...old english game bantams....we are needing to add to our brood stock ...I need a good quality Red Pyle brassy backs....mottled rooster...crele....barred or blue blue....and most other colors....and of course will also buy hens.....pairs, trios or quads would be great.....we sold all of our young all I have are chicks and my main show quality brood stock....needing some new blood....just let us know....
Hey guys just wanted to let y'all know I am going to be selling a few pullets on CL so PM me if you know someone interested. I have someone interested in a few blue egg layers, but they have not gotten back to me yet. He will have first dibs, if he hurries! All are laying but one
Nothing wrong with them, just are not fitting in with my breeding plans right now.

I have 3 laying blue rocks and 1 near POL
2 Blue Barred Rocks maybe 3 if needed or wanted
3 White Leghorns (maybe)
3 Black EE Laying blue/green eggs
2 red/blue and 1 black EE laying brown eggs

I am doing some major pen moving around, got to make room for the new breeds..... this will help me have 3-4 breeding pens I could use for grow outs. Then more pen rearranging again
I will have more in a few months when the babies grow up and start laying. Maybe sooner
I just had a big hatch of the following (I just posted on CL- thought I'd list them here if anyone is interested):
White Crested Black Polish ($5), Gold Laced Polish ($5), Frizzled Cochin Bantams (white, black and blue/grey) ($5), Auracana and Auracana crosses ($3). All were hatched 5/15-5/17, are vaccinated for Marek's disease and we are NPIP certified. Also have one young black frizzled cochin bantam rooster and 2 Gold Laced Polish/Frizzle cross roos for $10 each. We are between Shelbyville, Lynchburg and Tullahoma. 931-695-3301 (9am-8pm) or [email protected]
Does anyone need a 100 ft roll of hardware cloth? We apparently ordered one too many for our coop. I thought I would offer it here first. $90.

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