The Middle Tennessee Thread

That's one cool bird

All dressed for dinner...I have no idea but he's one neat bird...someone needs to knit him a sweater though
It would be nice to fiqure out the gene and breed him back to the birds he came from and see if you could get some more like him and start a new breed. He looks awesome.
It would be nice to fiqure out the gene and breed him back to the birds he came from and see if you could get some more like him and start a new breed. He looks awesome.

i have NNs that carry the scalless jeen and this fall i will start breeding him over then hens and see what % will be naked i know that if i breed the NNs with the scaless jeen that abou 5% will be naked but i whant to find out what % are naked it i breed the naked to the NNs
So I've been doing dry incubation this time around and I'm pretty happy with my results. I've got 9/14 on shipped eggs. All but 2 have textbook aircells. Here are pics of 2 of 'em.



The other seven are already getting too dark to see the spot.
Healthy babies!
I am sad to say though, that I didn't even get a single one of the mille fleur callicos. Three of 'em had no development, and the other one was my first blood ring.

The only other one that didn't make it was the one that leaked during shipping. I guess my numbers ain't bad for week one, but let me see how many hatch of this 9.

Hope you all are well, I'm looking at a rough week coming up... the first lady is having her gallbladder taken out Monday, and it's not like these kids understand what that means. I will be scarce then, but I'm sure I'll still take the time to put in my updates before I go to bed.
Matlock, those are great pics. I've never incubated so seeing this is really cool! Bet the kiddo's love that part, too. What a great way to explain Creation to them!!!

Hope you all have fun tomorrow. I'm teaching a Wilderness First Aid class ~ started it 2 weeks ago, but there was such good response that we didn't finish. So far, everyone's favorite natural remedy is mustard! Plain, ol', hot dog mustard.....great for swelling on unbroken skin!!!

My 3 new girls are so sweet. They already know the treat sound and will eat from my hand. Yesterday I saw 2 hawks flying across the pasture towards the yard and screeched "haaaaawk" and all 8 ran for cover! It was amazing. I did that once before and couldn't believe when they scattered (I'm bilingual!
). What a noise it is, when 8 chickens go to flapping every which way.

I couldn't find the 3 Muskateers (the newbies) for 10 min. They had sheltered under an evergreen and weren't coming out till I was right there. Uggggh! Way to go, scare the momma.

Thurs was their first time out of the pen. I used raisins to lure them out a little ways after the big girls ran off. Then they'd follow me back in, get a few raisins, follow me out for a few more, going a wee bit further. We did this for 10 min, then I left them with a pile of goodies at the door of the pen. Took awhile before they'd venture out by themselves, and they stayed on that side of the yard. Now I've got to figure out how to protect my grapes, as the girls have discovered the clusters hanging low, and the fence that keeps the dogs away isn't working for chickies.
Yes please Anne Where are you guys having all the fun tomorrow? I am on house arrest per Dr. orders but may sneak out as I did this morning. I did however get some really good deals at the yard sales. I sure hate being stuck inside all day.

Pam good luck with the first aid classes. I am giving a class at the senior center with the showgirls next month. Thanks to you!

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