The Migratory/Ornamental Waterfowl INFO Thread

yep, that's a good point, you can almost always tell when a hen has eggs due to that dropped tail area.
Yes Baytril is a pretty darn good med, if it can be fixed, that'll do it. One of my peafowl buddies turned me on to it a few years back.

I agree with Destin though on the birds going light (when they die and there's nothing but feathers skin and a breast bone.

I have seen that in various birds for many years. It's never an out break, just one here on there over the years. When my NPIP guy came out last year, a old man I know was loosing a few of his chickens to something similar. They'd almost suddenly go from fat and healthy to barely able to move from emaciation before you really knew anything was even wrong with him. Same thing I have seen when some of my stuff got like that. You try everything in the world for them and none ever make it seems like.

SO I asked him seeing how he was a disease guy. Yes it is Avian Tuberculosis. We talked about it for a minute, and unfortunately, there's not a darn thing you can to to fix one with it, they're just going to die from it plain and simple. Good thing is it's not contagious bird to bird, but from what he told me comes from birds eating feed that contaminated mice or rats have been on, or eating their droppings out of the food bowls.
Keep your feed spillage down, bags close up good , and try to feed in the mornings where all feed will be consumed before night when the little nasty #$%'s come out to eat was his biggest recommendations to prevent it. Since I did all that, I havent lost another bird to it fingers crossed, though it was never a huge problem anyway. But to me to loose one like that is too many. I also got a bunch of yard cats since them to keep around the birds and in the feed barn to help keep mice numbers beat back, seems to be working too, fat cats and not much mouse signs out there. My buddy did all that too and has since only lost 1-2 birds.
Cant hurt!!
I have a ? About eytons tree ducks. I recently bought/traded for five of them and the man I got them from said that he always incubated the eggs but will they not set and raise them?
yes they will sit and raise them Bama birds
. No new eggs today. Looked in the white woodie pen and baikal pen, nada .
Yes Audrey The duck TB rarely happens but maybe 1-2 birds a year and I had one female redhed come out of it. Iwould make it a point to put alot of food in front of her( but they all ate up till they die anyway, but did'nt seem to drink or bathe) and put her in and out of the pool and I hate to say it but I did'nt do this with the other birds I lost or it just may have been a coincidence. I still have her and got 6 babies from her lasy year.
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Took me forever to catch him, still a strong flyer. Tell you the truth i'm not sure what to think on the weight of the bird as i haven't exactly handled many of them to compare but know that he wasn't near as thin as the dead drake, but i would figure that they would have more fat on them right now. His eyes looked good, feet looked good, struggled a good bit, and took off once i released him. Once i was away from the pen for a while he settled down and was back to flirting with the ringed teal hen. Today he looked same. (fingers crossed)

Hoping the best for you guys hopin you get some of those baikals laying.

One mandarin hen is setting, one just started laying, the ringed teal has been going in and out of the box, pintails have been checking out there box's and doing there mating call like crazy, and the new mandarin drake in the quarantine has been talking back and forth with the rest.
So at the last stages they are unable/unwilling to move around? Thats why you were able to put her in/out of the pool?

That's right, they just sit there at the end.
The first "noticable" stage and last stage really are uasually less than a week apart. If he's been that way for over a week and isnt skin and bones by now, you are probabley good to bet it aint TB then. In the begining you will notice a slight feel of the breast bone in the chest, for most ducks that are healthy, you shouldnt feel it at all without physically mashing in the center to feel it. By the end of the week, the breast is concave and no muscles mass left at all.
If he was struggling, flying, all that you should be good on not having TB. Ones with it can barely walk much less do all that.

Destin, you are the first I've heard of anyone getting one over it, so that's great.
Yes with all of them, I have noticed over the years, they eat like pigs, which always had me dumbfounded as to why they were loosing weight. Even in the last few days when they could hardly move, they still always tried their best to get to the food bowl. I hate that mess with a passion.
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Eyton's have a nasty habit of dropping eggs all over the place. At least all mine always did. Most tree ducks are great about proper nesting and brooding, fulvous and black belly being the best in my opinion. My eyton's and javan were always the worst on it though, actually never had any of those two species actually make a nest they'd just squat and lay and leave it.

If yours do go to nest and make a good shot at it, they yes, they will most likely do good with them. But from my experiences with them, I'd would trust them too much. Keep and incubator on hand and a watchful eye on them, yours maybe great at it, but mine never were.
the closest I have seen is NJ & NY on a auction last month. If he can incubate they have them on e-Bay auctions for eggs and I think someone here does to in the auctions. Think it was for Call duck and Mandarin combo of eggs

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