The Migratory/Ornamental Waterfowl INFO Thread

I have a creek that runs the full the length of our property directly behind where my duck pens would be. My thoughts was to pump the water out of the creek, let it run through the ponds and back into the creek. The only time I would really need it running all the time is in the winter to keep them from freezing.
yep 2 's stink

as for the duck an head problem, well put a cap over it when not draining.
I had the 4 ich drains where they turned up threw the concrete with a elbow to T fitting, now take a section of pipe just longer than the water depth and stick in in, NO GLUE!!! Now on the top, glue on a cap..once filled you can find the water level line on it and drill a row of 1/2 inch or so holes around it. This will act as a n overflow when it rains, or if you do like I did and just let freash water run into them all the time.

On drain day, just grab the pipe section and pull it out, they wont go down the hole, LOL


With the 4 inch, now you can wash all the much right down the drain instead of having to get it out by hand and shovel
We do about the same as boogy stated with drilling the holes for the overflow only difference is we use male and female threaded connectors so you have to unscrew the plug to drain them we started this because in the winter here we have had ice lift the pipe removeing the plug thus emptying the pond.
our pond is 100% concrete and when we drain it we unscrew the cap at the bottum and i actually stand in front of it until is is drained.. which is a long task.. Last time it took around 2-3 hours to drain... ok it might have been less but I wasn;t letting any birds get by. We have a 6 inch pipe coming out of it.. The bottom has a t on it and has a screw on the end and the pipe taht comes up the water flow...

If you have facebook and can look up M&H Waterfowl that is us.. we have pictures of the whole construction process for our big pen...
Well it looks like i have 2 that are gonna make it (knock on wood) Its unbelievable how sharp and long there little claws are even when they come out of the egg. I had to clip them when i took them out of the bator because i didn't have any shavings and they kept getting them caught on the towel i used.



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oh cute those little buggers are! I've read all 100+ posts yesterday and today on this thread. Wow is all I can say! What knowledge and experience you all have! I'm whining now to my hubby about how much I want to move further south. I so want to bid on the fulvous whistling tree ducks on the auction page, but our winters are so bitter cold and we don't have barn. Also I have a neighbor who doesn't like our wandering or loud birds, so anyone we have is penned on the opposite side of our house away from her side. Someday though...I do have Mandarins and other feathered friends. I want more Mandarins and then I'll have to get whatever I need to have Wood Ducks after that.
But Aubrey (and everyone else), thank you so much for starting and adding to this topic. It is priceless to all of us.

Thanks, been a heck of an experience raising these beautiful birds. Still kinda sucks though, started off last week pulling 10 eggs, and 8 had fully developed and were moving inside. out of those 8= 3 never internally pipped and died within the shells, 1 internally pipped but never pipped through the shell, another 1 was turned wrong and still managed to pip through the shell but didn't make it any farther, and 3 made it out of shells completely but only 2 survived. But its all a learning experience, next time things will go different.

Question? what is the size difference between ringed teal eggs and mandarins? Reason being is 4 of the ducklings appeared "silvery" white and had a different leg color than the others and looked to be possibly teal.
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