The Migratory/Ornamental Waterfowl INFO Thread

it happens, you'd be urprised how late in the year some laid for me. I wouldnt count them all done just yet for sure. This cold snap especially might fire some back up for you
I sure hope so. Out of 75+ hens I only have 13 babies so far this year.

I have sevaerl setting so we shall see! I hate this crazy weather!

I will hopefully get pictures posted of my little Hoodies this evening!
One more question..

Clipping their right toe for marking.. woud you just do this too all of the babies when they are born since I have no idea what some of them are because of the nest dumping?
not only did my Merganser hatch out 7 baby Mergansers she hatched out 1-2 unidentified ducks... More than likely wood ducks or mandarins

What is the best way to do this? We have never done it since all we had last year was Manadrins hatch.
you can clip the little dew claw on them all up to a week old and they dont even bleed or fuss. not the actual toes on the webbed feet . its like an ankle toe.
Chestnut duckling dead yesterday morning and this morning one of my Falcated hens was dead. Think she had a heart attack from the Chiloe Drake chasing her. It was like she curled up and went to sleep and died. She had her head tucked. He started in on the other one today so he is locked up in the isolation room with his other hen on her nest since he can fly.

Had 2 pips on my gray runner duck eggs this morning. I incubated them until Thursday then put them under the hen. I have read they are not reliable setters but she has been very good
Sounds like you have had some really bad luck this year.
YEP that's what I always did, Once they dry, just snip off that right hind toe on the leg. Like destin said, can be done up to a week with ease, but I always just did it at day one coming out of the bators. Nail clippers or scissors work fine, at this point it's pretty much just skin
Ok...had my first wood duck babies hatch today. There were 7 that hatched. 4 of them are dark colored (normal) and there are 3 that are yellow colored. The only other cavity nesters I have are mandarins (saw her in the woodie nest) and fulvous tree ducks (bred, but not laying). Are mandarin babies yellow, or could these be silver or white wood ducks? I didn't buy split birds, but who knows.

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