The Migratory/Ornamental Waterfowl INFO Thread

I wish I could quite losing birds! And it is always hens! I think something spooked her and she flew into the net. and I just remembered one of my white mandrins was sittingon a nest, I need to check that! I have a goldeneye egg in there!

Good News though my Smew is setting on eggs! about 10 of them!

on the babies.. I really don't know what they are. She had 4 and I know one was a ring teal or I am pretty sure. It was alittle smaller and silver but then again I have silver hens and drakes (the one on the left looking at the picture in front og the Ruddy was silver looking) and the three other could be Apricots because I do have them 2 hens and a drake! Nest dumping!! Got to love it
well I can help you a little, the swimmers are 3 apricots and a silver looks like.
The splits you'll never know on without breeding, and even then unless you get 2 splits together you could miss one parent being split as both have to be to show in the offspring.
Thanks!! You know I got into this because I just love them and was hoping to sell the babies once they are grow to help pay for my addiction but I am already attached to the Hoodies! I need a few more divers

They attacked the meal wormers when we put them in their and the 3 baby chickens that are in there with them have taught them to eat so keep your fingers crossed!
yep really lousy year ducks and health wise. I am await approval now from the powers that be and my Hematologist to have neck surgery. Will have bone grafts and cushion pads inserted from C 4/5 to C 6/7. Dr said he could fix me back to being able to function with my arms & neck. Also spent the weekend at ER passing blood & blood clots in my urine. no pain, no infection(UTI), no kidney stones, blood work fine, & CT of Kidneys was fine. See Urologist tomorrow. Only other thing I could find for the symptoms when searching was non maglignent tumor or Bladder Cancer which is caused mostly from smoking and I am a heavy smoker hmmmmm. So kind of worried right now and have no one but myself to blame if it is bladder cancer
I lost one of the regularly colored woodies, but the rest seem to be fine. My woodie hen is still sitting on some eggs, but I don't know if they are good or not. My pintail hen also hatched a baby out yesterday....hoping the rest hatched today.
No eggs hatched today...I'm thinking they aren't going to hatch. My drake pintail has a problem with his penis. After breeding once, I saw the hen grab it and nibble/pull on it. Now, he walks around with it hanging out. He can pull it back in, but will let it hang out for a while. I believe that incident made him sterile, but I guess we'll find out. The wood duck has been sitting on the rest of her eggs since the others hatched out on Tuesday and the pintail is still sitting since she hatched out 1 yesterday. How long should I let these hens sit on these eggs?
I posted in a different thread about this- but just wanted to spread good news here too. My Mandarin female hopped out of the box yesterday and so did 5 (?) babies! My DD got lucky and was able to videotape the last one jumping out....
and when I put a waterer in for them, 1 jumped up and got caught in the chicken wire 2 feet up, so we rescued that one and took a pic while holding it...

I already put up a sheet of plywood to stop that from happening again- and will go out again and go over the whole pen to make sure there isn't any other spot where one could get out or caught...
They are so cute and little, but their mom has them so well hidden in the brush, I've not been able to get any photos of them yet!
done babyproofing and we saw 8 (!) babies with mama duck. She is so good to keep them with her and they're even exploring the pen a bit today...They are soooo tiny and adorable! I'll try to get some pics soon. I feel like I bothered them enough just being in there and covering the pen walls with plywood, moving old eggs from my Aussies out of their way, getting rid of dead dry branches...etc.....
I'm in love though. and my other Mandie mama is on a nest too and due in 2 weeks. What a Spring! The sun is shining and we're re-doing our chicken pen floor with stone dust or screenings over garden fabric to be done with the mud problem...What a job - but I can peek over the plywood and spy on the Mandies while I'm working. It makes the job that much easier!

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