The Millennials Thread (Gen Z is welcome too)



Free Ranging
Feb 10, 2021
Kalamazoo, MI
Welcome to the Millennials Thread! Join us if you'd like and share some of your stories!

Rules of the thread
1. Don't reveal any personal information
- You can put your birthday so we can wish you a happy birthday but no year
- You can post what state(country) your from
- You can post about family life but no names

2. No bullying or harassing otherwise you will be reported

3. This is a safe space so no judging

4. If any personal questions are wanting to be asked between users that don't follow rule 1 then you must do a PM with that user so it's secured between the two of you.

Awesome to have you guys join!
Well I’ll reintroduce myself. You can call me Brownie. (Are we allowed to reveal gender?) I’m from New York. I have four hens who complain about every single thing under the sun. My red ranger Ginny always whines about the breakfast choices, my d’uccle Pepsi whinges when I go outside without snacks, my rirs Walnut and Bicky complain about being bossed by the other hens.

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