The Missing Heir RP

"Isabella," she answered simply nodding rembering her name not have heard it before.
"Would you like to join me until it is time to go to the meeting?" Kira asked and gestured to the other chair at her table then smiled and took a bite of her breakfast.
"Would you like to join me until it is time to go to the meeting?" Kira asked and gestured to the other chair at her table then smiled and took a bite of her breakfast.

Isabella smiled. "I'd be glad to," she said standing up and sitting down in the chair.
((Just a friendly reminder, no one liners please. There are always things to describe))
"Why?" Kira asked curiously.

"Cause I'm a woman and apparently I'm supposed to be a seamstress or something like that, " Isabella answered looking up spotting her food being carried by a server. She grinned looking at the large plate of food. She began to eat heartily making a mess and wiping her face with her sleeve. She didnt seem to have any sense of manners when it came to eating.
The barmaid turned and answered quickly, "The diplomat, it is still a bit early in the day to see him, he's still asleep. So ye might as well wait here and eat something, there is one splendid stew, would ye like some?" She smiled, wanting to make some coin off the girl.

Thea nodded. "I might as well, if I am to wait. But only a little." She wasn't too hungry but she knew she wouldn't get a hot meal for a while if she was to go after the princess.
"Cause I'm a woman and apparently I'm supposed to be a seamstress or something like that, " Isabella answered looking up spotting her food being carried by a server. She grinned looking at the large plate of food. She began to eat heartily making a mess and wiping her face with her sleeve. She didnt seem to have any sense of manners when it came to eating.
Kira ate her meal with precision. She watched the woman beside her quietly as she thought about her answer. Finally she spoke again "Why do your people think that a females importance relies on her being able to sew?" She finished her meal and pushed the plate away.

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