The Moonshiner and friend's stories, legends and tall tales.

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So I stop by a small feed store swap yesterday and while looking around I have a conversation with a lady that has had chickens for over 40 years but is now getting out of them for good.
She mentioned the reason was predators. We have a ton of predators out my way so I start asking her what predators she's dealing with. She says she to has dealt with them all but this is a new predator. The worst. They are protected by law and they can get around every type of defense you can throw at them. I was very curious.
Started with few eggs taken then almost all eggs taken then it progressed to hens missing. She said there was no damage to coop it was like then just opened the door and took what they wanted. She installed a camera and caught the predator in the act.
It was homeless people that had a camp in the area. Even with proof police couldn't do much. It wasn't a huge crime or a huge concern to them and they said the homeless moved in and out so often that it would be impossible to catch the ones responsible or to keep them in the area long enough to prosecute them.
She said they climbed her fence then got into the coops while she was away during the day. When she started putting locks on the coops they would then break the coops to get in.
Of course shot guns or electricity was illegal. She thought about a dog but didn't want to add one to her home at this time and figured they would get rid of it, let it loose or worse so probably wouldn't help any way.
Crazy true story and proves you can always learn something new
Wow.....that is just sad. For everyone involved.

My thoughts exactly.
They're just trying to eat but then again I couldnt afford to raise hens just to lose them like that.
You always see the feed the starving people oversees I think more should look what's going on here. Sometimes in our own backyards it seems.
Wanted to stop over here and see what's goin on.
Me and moonshiners go way back. Way back like his truck seat when his fat cousins Bob and Neil borrows his truck.

I know he's got some better stories to tell.
Shiner, how bout that time when we were over to catfishs fish fry and you walked into the barn on that youn gal putting on that show with the feather duster?
And you were playing the part of the feather duster.
No I won't be traumatizing anyone with that visual.
You still owe me for the therapy bills.
Nothing worse then seeing a head shrinker when it ain't even court ordered.
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