The Moonshiner's Leghorns

Oh yes. Instead of $5-$10-$15 or $20-$40-$60 it turns into 1k-2k-3k- Sh!t I need to burn this number and go home.
Our auctions when it's a good turnout of stuff to sell gets to the point where it's....
a trio of bantam cochins. 3 Xs the money. $10, $5, $3, $2 to buy, 1st hand for a $1.
Talk about getting in trouble. By the end of the night it's like I don't even remember what all I bought. Hope it all fits in the truck.
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We're working on it.

He was supposed to start selling eggs in 2 years 4 or 5 years ago. Something like that.
I see. Itā€™s a slow work in progress šŸ˜†

Iā€™d love to get a couple (hundred) dozen when ever you do start selling.

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