The Moonshiner's Leghorns

I can tell you the exact moment it happened for me.
The for real, you're F'ing nuts moment.

I hatch lots of chicks. I make new varieties. Hatch days are really cool because sometimes I'll get that first ever chick of a certain pattern. One I've been working towards for some time.
I have my son and an older daughter that also loved hatch days when she still lived at home. The kids just love the variety of colors etc.
I had been working on a project involving lavender. That hatch had the first ever barred lavender chick hatch. I think it also had a solid lavender chick
Like the pic the other day it was a tub with like 30 or 40 chicks. Tons of variety. The kids were checking them all out and pointing out and picking up their favorites.
I was watching my daughter and listening to what she was saying about a few while my son very young at the time was grabbing chcks. From behind me I heard him making helicopter noises. As I turned I was in horror to see he had that one of a kind brand new variety little barred lavender chick in his hand high above his head spinning making it fly like a helicopter.
I had been working a few years towards that variety. I went into terror mode. What if hurt it or dropped it. Why was he even holding that one.
I honestly got weak in the knees and almost puked. It was horrible. I reached out to take it from him thinking WTH are you doing.
That's the moment it clicked that there was a problem. I came to my senses and told myself geez it's only a chick. Just a d@mn chick. I made it and can make another.
I stepped back and let him finish playing with it and then he put it back unharmed.
That was my moment of true realization.
Pfft. I would have taken it.

If you came to the conclusion you were okay with possibly losing that potential filled chick, why aren’t you okay with parting with possible potential filled hatching eggs? 🤔

Just sayin’.
Pfft. I would have taken it.

If you came to the conclusion you were okay with possibly losing that potential filled chick, why aren’t you okay with parting with possible potential filled hatching eggs? 🤔

Just sayin’.
Pop Tv Burn GIF by Schitt's Creek

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