The Moonshiner's Leghorns


I caught 3 raccoons then a possum. No issues since then.
That was probably almost 2 weeks ago. :confused:
Still have the traps set in the barn but thinking about moving them outside around the perimeter soon.
The little dogs wanted to go out and potty about 1:30 this morning, and I was walking by a window and saw one of the motion LED spotlights I installed was on. I grabbed up the spotlight and walked out expecting a rabbit or something, and of course, it was a young raccoon.
Galadriel - repels Sauron.gif

It took off the second it saw me. I walked the pens and low and behold the Bantam Orpington cockerel and his daughter were outside of the pen perched on something he could have easily grabbed them off of.
Moira - Scream.gif

I went to grab them in the dark and both of them jumped down and started sprinting around the yard. I opened the gate and managed to herd them back in there. I guess I'll be setting a trap this evening after work and spending several hours trying to figure out how the Araucanas keep phasing through the fence into the Bantam Orpington's pen, and how they keep phasing through the wire to outside.
Those look like some awesome colors!
Ya there's some good ones in there.
I had kind of let my lavender project go. I was down to a rooster that was split to lavender and extended black/duckwing. I had a lavender hen that I lost to the raccoons and a split to lavender hen that just passed.
I was happy to see 6 lavender chicks in that bunch.
Switching to a couple new things ATM so in a few weeks I should be getting some different things popping out.
Ya there's some good ones in there.
I had kind of let my lavender project go. I was down to a rooster that was split to lavender and extended black/duckwing. I had a lavender hen that I lost to the raccoons and a split to lavender hen that just passed.
I was happy to see 6 lavender chicks in that bunch.
Switching to a couple new things ATM so in a few weeks I should be getting some different things popping out.

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