The Moonshiner's Leghorns

Okay. My little blue boy has nothing when it comes to his tail, and he just looks so goofy
I had the twins last year. Two blue gold duckwing boys I was eyeing to keep. For a while one had no tail feathers and the other had like two. Pitiful, but they grew in and looked great eventually.
In my blue and lavenders the tails seem to grow slower. They are Ameraucana, Orpington and crosses of those or a cross of Ameraucana and Phoenix. They all have or had spars tails as juveniles.
Given some eggs that are not fertile, some that do not develop, and a few that hatch weak chicks, a good hatch for me is 70%.

I have a GQF 1202 incubator that holds 6 trays or roughly 300 eggs. I try to put in 100 eggs per week usually from March to May. That gives me roughly 1000 chicks to select for desired traits.
I thought the 1202 only hold 180 eggs, what kind of incubator do you have,
Regular hatch 41
Maticoopx 26
B 18th
I thought the 1202 only hold 180 eggs, what kind of incubator do you have,
I had an old sportsman once upon a time. It was back when they were made out of plywood and were painted red.
It had a hatching tray and 3 trays for setting eggs. Each tray held 2 plastic egg flats that held 45 eggs each so total of 270 eggs.

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