The Moonshiner's Leghorns

I think you mean 'until the auctions start happening again'

Now that was funny :lau
I want to cross buff with something then breed the offspring and try to pull out straight wheaton.
Had to check with the chicken calculator for the odds. 1 in 128 for a female and 1 in 128 for a male. I hate when I have an idea but the odds are playing hardball.
So out of 356 just choose the two eggs that are wheaten and hatch those. . . . 😇
So out of 356 just choose the two eggs that are wheaten and hatch those. . . . 😇
Now I'm more worried about hatching the right genders.
I have two pairs set up but have to wait the 3 weeks before collecting to hatch.
I've got 2 eggs from each hen so far but they're not really the longer skinny eggs nor the fatter rounder eggs. All look right in middle. Does this mean all chicks hatched from these shaped eggs will be hermaphrodites?

16 regular weekly hatch
16 NR360
16 Brinsea Maxi
48 total
B 21st

Handful not pictured. Still drying
Half a handful in there from last week
That was it for the weekly hatches in the Pepsi Bator.
Year 3 comes to an end.
78 hatches to date.
2,801 chicks hatched.
Might as well shoot for 100 hatches and 4,000 chicks at the end of season 4, right?
Now I'm more worried about hatching the right genders.
I have two pairs set up but have to wait the 3 weeks before collecting to hatch.
I've got 2 eggs from each hen so far but they're not really the longer skinny eggs nor the fatter rounder eggs. All look right in middle. Does this mean all chicks hatched from these shaped eggs will be hermaphrodites?
That was it for the weekly hatches in the Pepsi Bator.
Year 3 comes to an end.
78 hatches to date.
2,801 chicks hatched.
Might as well shoot for 100 hatches and 4,000 chicks at the end of season 4, right?
Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it. . . . . . .
You certainly have my support.
I can't remember, but what color did the chocolatey chicks turn out to be? Looks like you had 1-2 in this last set.
I've gotten blue and black with that chocolate hue. They turn out looking like any normal blue or black.
This year I've also got some with brown on their face/head. They turn out normal too.

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